Igor Vov = the old Fedor

Remember years back when everyone used to say "if Igor Vovchanchin ever came to America he'd kill everyone in the UFC" - ahhh the good old days. Sorry - I know this thread is pointless. I was just reminiscing.

Remember months back when everyone said that about CroCop?

"Those were the days, when one-dimensional fighters were still considered competitive."

Bro - it wasn't that long ago and he wasn't one-dimensional. Not the best at applying submissisions but great striking, sprawl, speed, ground control and GnP.

igor is like old cyborg model the ussr created fedor is the upgraded one

Igor Z was actually the prototype for Fedor. Igor V had the bombs in his hands like Fedor but Igor Z had one of the earliest complete games.

"igor is like old cyborg model the ussr created fedor is the upgraded one"

Very true. Igor had very good striking for the time, as well as a background in Sambo an decent ground and pound. Basically, Igor had all of the same skills as Fedor, but was not as good in any of them. Some might argue Igor was a superior striker. Maybe in a pure kickboxing match, but in MMA, I feel Fedor has adapted his striking better.