So, did anyone else want to reach through the TV and strangle him after that comment?

Nah, Herman did enough to the poor boy for one day. He was just trying to make himself feel better because he knew he got owned bad and millions of people saw it.

He thinks that because he can take a few elbows and not tap that makes him an Ultimate Fighter. What a joke.

I actually tried to choke him and as a result now don't have a TV

I lasted two 5-minute rounds in an octagon-shaped gazeebo in a no holds-barred jacuzzi splash fight with my little sister. She may have won, but I AM A FUCKING ULTIMATE SPLASH FIGHTER.

"I used to like that clown when he was serving up the sandwiches. lol at tito putting him over to his face and then slamming him on camera... "

Well, really why get into it with him when he's going to be leaving the house and you won't have to deal with him ya know? I would have done the same thing.

"I used to like that clown when he was serving up the sandwiches. lol at
tito putting him over to his face and then slamming him on camera... "

Well, really why get into it with him when he's going to be leaving the
house and you won't have to deal with him ya know? I would have done
the same thing.

cause it's a fucking televison show an except for the fights at the end of
the episodes it's pretty fucking boring.

Stupidnewbie, with your little sister? Is she hot?

She is imaginary, she only exists for the purposes of humor on this thread. So yes, she can be hot.

ultimate gay facial hair

ultimate # of brothers

"the thread title is misleading damnit."

not if you watched the show