"I'm ready for a title shot" - Melvin G. (pic)

That is all. 

Lipstick Jones - 
Monsters Ball - What have you done with your life?

Who are you?

 the guy who just made me lol.


Rumbler - 
Lipstick Jones - 
Monsters Ball - What have you done with your life?

Who are you?

 the guy who just made me lol.


Apparently doin' good things, bitch :)

Monsters Ball - What have you done with your life?

Who are you?

 he is a swinger..................

might be a wee bit premature melvin

A bit premature but Melvin is on the right track.

^ Not really...he's the same fighter he has been for years.

Joe Silva needs to Match Guillard up with someone who will stand with him. Hopefully Stephens, Stout, or Fisher.

But he's on a TWO fight win streak! Surely he MUST get a title shot!

He is training consistently now.That alone has make a difference.Couple that with the fact that he has faced BBs like Tibau without getting subbed shows a marked improvement.

I know first hand that Melvin worked kickboxing almost exclusively for years while competing in MMA and I know first hand that he would take off months of training and only train for 3-4 weeks for some UFC fights.The times in his career when he did train consistently for a few months at a time he performed pretty damn good.

Right now he is living a lifestyle centered around training
and he is enjoying it and not looking at it as drudgery.
He will continue to improve and excite the fans.I heard alot of cheering for him tonight.The UFC kept him around for a reason.

He is training consistently now.That alone has make a difference.Couple that with the fact that he has faced BBs like Tibau without getting subbed shows a marked improvement.

I know first hand that Melvin worked kickboxing almost exclusively for years while competing in MMA and I know first hand that he would take off months of training and only train for 3-4 weeks for some UFC fights.The times in his career when he did train consistently for a few months at a time he performed pretty damn good.

Right now he is living a lifestyle centered around training
and he is enjoying it and not looking at it as drudgery.
He will continue to improve and excite the fans.I heard alot of cheering for him tonight.The UFC kept him around for a reason.

Melvin is amazingly talented. Ready for a title shot? No. But he is really starting to fulfill his promise. And I used to hate the guy.

Lipstick Jones - 
Monsters Ball - What have you done with your life?

Who are you?

 the guy who just made me lol.

The guys is a douchebag...how about when he was walking around the cage yelling "this is MY house!"

Guys tend to get pretty pumped up following a KO in front of millions of viewers and often say silly things many of which are stupid pop culture quotes.I can't stand that stuff either but I know Melvin very well and he really does have many really good qualities.

I hope he continues to grow as a fighter and a person.

He beat Ronys Torres by decision and beat Waylon Lowe and he deserves a title shot?

I think he's smoking a lot more than cocaine. Perhaps crack, meth, and plastic too.

I wonder if everything I said would be totally logical following a KO victory in front of millions of viewers.

I only wish that I would one day find out.

I've actually heard the "Melvin's turned the corner" line several times over the span of the last 3 or 4 years. It's always the same story; he's taking training seriously, working with better guys, learning jiu-jitsu, etc. And that's usually coupled with a story about maturity, etc. At this point, the guy is 27 and has had more "second" chances than most people. This is because of his natural talent and exciting style. Maybe he has truly turned things around, but that can't be declared until time has passed (consistency is important) and he's faced some stiffer competition. His whole career is littered with highlight reel KO's, but then those fights are often followed up with subpar performances or trouble outside the cage.

I wasn't surprised at all by his performance against Lowe, but was curious as to how he'd respond to the win. What I would have expected to hear from someone who has matured and learned from past mistakes would've been something along the lines of "I'm taking things seriously now, am grateful for the help from Jackson, still have a long way to go, constantly trying to improve, etc." While he did thank Jackson and crew, he seems to lack perspective on what a win over someone like Waylon Lowe really means. Saying you hope to one day earn a title shot and that you're going to prove yourself is one thing, but he just jumped straight to it and sounded ridiculous in the process. Then he follows up the give me a title shot, with a bizarre challenge to Jeremy Stevens? Now if he can go out and beat the likes of Stevens and then take out someone higher up the chain like Guida or KenFlo, then he can legitimately talk about a title shot. Let's just say the win tonight did nothing to "prove" anything as far as a major change taking place. I've said it before and I'll say it again; I hope he has indeed changed things around and that he'll realize his full potential. But it's one of those things that is going to have to be proven over time.

 Seems like his whole fight game revolves around stalling on the ground until he can climb the cage.

Without question Melvin is still a work in progress and needs a few more wins against higher ranked guys before any title shot.