In 3 Weeks, Everyone Will Be Drilling This...

To see more, go to and sign up to get the latest Kimura Trap System news and previews.

I will be releasing FOUR of my favorite techniques off my Kimura Trap System, so you definitely will want to be signed up so you can watch the moves and study them when they come out.

What do you think about this?

I'm super excited to be able to share this with people outside of my academy and would love to hear what you have to say. At the very least, a TTT would do. :)

Thank you and enjoy the video!


Believe and Achieve,

David Avellan

Later Phone Post

 Ok, the first technique you are going to want to start drilling is right below.

This is 1 of 4 techniques I will be allowing you to catch a sneak-peek on.

This will set the stage for the next videos, so you will want to watch it and if you like it, subscribe to my list so you can get access to the rest of the videos when I release them.


Believe and Achieve,

David Avellan

Sub'd :) Phone Post

Ok, here is the next video covering the Kimura Lockdown.

This will set the stage for a technique that has been highly requested since I first posted my highlight video.

Check it out:

Remember, go to and register to get first access to all the videos. 

I have had a ton people asking questions about the Kimura Trap System and it would take way too long to answer them on an individual basis.

So I am going to host a LIVE Webinar this Monday (8/27) at 8:30pm EST on the Kimura Trap System.

Register for this special Q&A Webinar to learn everything about the Kimura Trap by clicking below.

Register For Webinar

Oh, and here is the fourth and final preview video of one of the most requested techniques, the Rolling Arm Bar:



Huge response from everyone wanting to attend the webinar. I already maxed out my webinar at 500 in less than 12 hours, so I just added some more seats, but I won't be able to add more after that.

Make sure you register if you haven't already down below:

Register for Webinar!