In ten years, GSP & Silva will get Fedor'ed.

First of all, I liked the OP's post. It's got just the right amount of cynicism without sounding like bitching and moaning.

Secondly, I agree with the tongue-in-cheek statement that "sports fans are turds" to a certain extent. But here's where I think your premise breaks down---

I personally have never heard anyone trash Jordan's legacy and try and say he's not the GOAT. And if someone were to say it, I'm sure it would be just to troll or get attention. In a crowd of knowledgeable fans, such a statement would be shouted down.

Thirdly, people MIGHT forget who Fedor, GSP, and Spider Silva were if the sport doesn't end up going mainstream. Basketball finally went mainstream and the many ex-players and coaches and historians out there made sure the newer generations heard about it by becoming basketball journalists or broadcasters. Then they would educate their listeners/viewers about who Bob Cousey and Bill Russell were. The same goes for other sports like Boxing and Football.

The reason this hasn't happened for MMA yet is because its such a young sport. Give it another 40 years or so, and I'm sure the kids will definitely be told who Fedor was and why he was so important to the sport. It's just gonna mean people like you have to educate the whippersnappers about the early days.

Will Anderson even be fighting in 2 years?

I cant see this dude losing to anyone at 185 and MAYBE only to JBJ, Shogun and Machida at 205.

To say Fedor didnt have a good run and fought cans is bullshit. He has wins over: Coleman, Arlovski, Big Time, CroCop, Big Nog and Herring

I think Fedor is having these problems because he fought some cans lately and gets totally sloppy when he thinks you're hurt which is okay against Rogers but NOT against guys like Werdum or Hendo Phone Post

Big Tim* Phone Post

tahoe5280 - First of all, I liked the OP's post. It's got just the right amount of cynicism without sounding like bitching and moaning.

Secondly, I agree with the tongue-in-cheek statement that "sports fans are turds" to a certain extent. But here's where I think your premise breaks down---

I personally have never heard anyone trash Jordan's legacy and try and say he's not the GOAT. And if someone were to say it, I'm sure it would be just to troll or get attention. In a crowd of knowledgeable fans, such a statement would be shouted down.

Thirdly, people MIGHT forget who Fedor, GSP, and Spider Silva were if the sport doesn't end up going mainstream. Basketball finally went mainstream and the many ex-players and coaches and historians out there made sure the newer generations heard about it by becoming basketball journalists or broadcasters. Then they would educate their listeners/viewers about who Bob Cousey and Bill Russell were. The same goes for other sports like Boxing and Football.

The reason this hasn't happened for MMA yet is because its such a young sport. Give it another 40 years or so, and I'm sure the kids will definitely be told who Fedor was and why he was so important to the sport. It's just gonna mean people like you have to educate the whippersnappers about the early days.

You make very good points. It may happen the way you suggest. But in boxing, former 'greats' are only even discussed to make a boxer like Ali sound better.

I see this happening in MMA as well. "Oh, Anderson was never that great, xxx beat him and is the best."

I have had Jordan detractors say watching him live was garbage because the refs obviously allowed him more freedoms than other players, and was allowed to be the greatest. It may be just me, but this has happened more than once.

All your points are good, our opinion on what may occur varies.

And why the heck did this, like most threads, turn into a Fedor discussion thread?

They would be 46 and 41 by then. Your point? Phone Post