in unrelated news...

Has Sean Salmon really lost 10 in a row all finishes?

I think this has been talked about here before but WTF?It was news to me.

And has he been throwing fights?

Sean Salmon vs Bob Sapp for the world title of anti-GOAT

and here's the catch(kinda obvious), the loser wins the title.

The Brool Story Company -

Sean Salmon vs Bob Sapp for the world title of anti-GOAT

Winner has to take on current WOAT, Shannon the Cannon. Phone Post

Ive seen sean salmon fight twice. Both were vicious knockouts. That was long before his current 10 fight loss streak. He needs to hang them up ASAP. Anyone with half a brain would allow this guy to fight anymore Phone Post

**wouldnt Phone Post

With 76 losses, Shannon has more mma losses than anybody in history... By a lot. To put it in perspective, Travis Fulton, who has 300 fights, only has 49 losses. Phone Post

I thought he retired this year Phone Post 3.0