you against the fence. A pressure fighter.

MMA Hawaii: How are you training for McKee?

Jhun: I'm working more wrestling. Defense against takedowns, working sprawls and counters on the inside. Working angles and striking counters. My cardio is about the same we stepped it up over the last couple weeks going for broke, really pushing intense cardio. Then as usual we cut back a little try to keep healthy, cut down on the contact but mainly try to prepare mentally the last week or so. I'm ready.

MMA Hawaii: A month or so ago, it was rumored you would be put back in the ROTR Welter Weight tourney as an alternate and then that didn't work out. Then you were set to be the main event on the Punishment in Paradise card in a kickboxing match. Due to various situations and a week delay due to weather on the PIP card all the bouts fell through. Was this a set back and did you stay training the whole entire time?

Jhun: I really feel everything happens for a reason. Its Gods work in my life, I was weathering quite a few storms at that time. I was dealing with injuries of various kinds. I'm a warrior and the people know I'm a warrior. I was going to go ahead and do the Kickboxing show anyway. But God leads my life and for whatever reason the card was delayed and then the bout was scratched and I look at it now as a blessing. Because a lot of good things are coming around right now. It gave me a chance to re-group and prioritize. I began speaking with Shooto and then things just started to happen. Right now I have that fire again. That fire was missing in my last couple fights. But now its back. There are a lot of good things on the horizon. Thank God I'm healthy to make this comeback. The Kiawe wood is burning again. Ha ha ha"

MMA Hawaii: Everybody has heard there is a Shooto Title shot in the works for you in July. Have you heard anything about potential opponents?

Jhun: Yea a couple, but nothings set yet. One was "K-Taro" Nakamura and then the other guy that just beat Charuto? (Kuniyoshi Hironaka)

MMA Hawaii: Obviously MMA is on an upswing. It is really taking off right now. With the TUF reality series on TV and now the IFL on Fox Sports Net it's growing so much in popularity and that will mean better paydays for the fighters. How do you feel about it and how long can we expect to see the Machine Gun in the cage or ring?

Jhun: I see the popularity of MMA as a really good thing. It's kind of like the older NFL guys that retired just before the money got really good. You know guys like Joe Montana and them made great money but there are guys coming into the league now that are barely starting and haven't done anything yet they are making that kind of money to start off. I know I'm not getting any younger. (Ron's age 35) But I really feel like I'm just reaching my peak. You know Couture fought into his 40's competitively. I have way more fights than he did but I feel good I've fought steady. I started fighting back in 95 or so and then started fighting pro around 97 or 98. I want to keep fighting. I'd like to fight another five years God willing. If I can do that, maybe I will be in on those larger paydays. Hopefully. I'd like to fight five years but I will know when I'm done. I have to stay competitive. I definitely don't want to be some up and comers stepping stone. As long as I am healthy and competitive I want to keep fighting and hopefully if things go right I will get a shot at some big paydays. One way or another MMA is a way of life for me. My family is very supportive. They are here at the gym with me. I think about them when I'm fighting. If I find myself in a bad position I picture my kids and tell myself "You can't get hurt you have to get out of this."

MMA Hawaii: Everyone knows you carry a regular full time construction job and still are able to compete at the top level of MMA. How are you handling that now?

Jhun: Well I have gotten a promotion and now I'm doing more things like setting up and overseeing jobs. I'm not using my tool bags as much. So in that respect its better. A little easier. I have had three different jobs while I have been competing and all of my bosses have been pretty understanding. They just tell me try not to get hurt and come back healthy. Know matter what though I will keep training it's a lifestyle for me.
MMA Hawaii: Ok Ron, how about Jason Miller vs. Stephan Gamlin?

Jhun: Everyone at work keeps saying Gamlin is going to beat him. I don't know? I see the fight as a curiosity fight really. ICON is gambling though. If Jason loses then what? It will leave a hole in the 180 lb. range. Maybe then I can jump back in the mix. ( laughs )

MMA Hawaii: Ok last question. Gracie vs. Hughes, your thoughts?

Jhun: I think this could be a boring fight? Matt may just hold him down and try to ground and pound. I think Gracie could win it though. For sure it's going to the ground. I could see Matt making a mistake early in the first round while trying to G&P Gracie and Gracie getting a fast sub or maybe a late in the third round submission by Gracie. If it goes the distance Hughes will probably end up getting the decision in a boring fight. But who knows? Its fighting, anything can happen.

MMA Hawaii: Well Ron we will let you get out of here but is there anything else you would like to say?

Jhun: Yes. I want to tell my fans that the fire is back. Thanks to all those supporters that have stood by me win or lose. Thanks for not giving up on me. I consider my self a people's champion. I give them my all every time. I try to represent MMA and the people of Hawaii. I try to be a role model for all these kids in this gym. I want the people to know that you can do anything if you put your heart and soul into it. MMA was a turning point in my life. I'm living for God and my wife and kids and to be a good role model for my kids. Thanks again to all my fans. The fire is back.

You can see Ron and the rest of the 808 fight factory guys on June 3rd live from the Oakland Arena at the Extreme Wars X2 Bay Area Brawl via PPV on the internet right here at

holy FRAT!



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Come on Hawaii fans weres the support for the locals.

TTT Machine Gun!!