Inside Edition Called Warmachine MMA SuperStar

Such Bullshit!!! He was never relevant!! What a disgrace to Humanity 

They referred to him as “Mixed Martial Arts SuperStar” it’s on right now. 

I suppose he is type of person inside edition wants to talk about , so they consider him a star 

It was about Christy Mack. They said she was dating Mixed Martial Arts Super Star War Machine. It had a clip of him punching people. They made it seem like his profession had something to do with him being a piece of shit person.....

He is

They said the same thing on an episode of Crime Watch Daily. Makes non-fans of MMA think of fighters as actual killers. 

MVPutItRightBetweenMyEyes -

They said the same thing on an episode of Crime Watch Daily. Makes non-fans of MMA think of fighters as actual killers. 

Exactly my point VU

The only Highlight I remember him in was when the Japanese dude threw him into a choke. He was never a top 15 Fighter. “Super Star” and Warmachine don’t belong together. 

They used UFC clips. Wonder if they are free to do that legally? Make the UFC look bad???

it’s a tabloid show, so everything is sensationalized. For example, if inside edition did a segment on my 10” penis, they would report it as being 27”.

These things happen in MMA

Being in the ufc makes you a mma super star.

You think that’s bad, I saw an article on my Yahoo feed that referred to Mack as a “Model.”

Superstar seems generous, given that his mma career was completely unremarkable

Jored1990 - Superstar seems generous, given that his mma career was completely unremarkable
Unremarkable for Ufc standards. Not unremarkable in general seeing as he made it to the highest level of the sport.

Anyone watching Inside Edition in 2017 has no real grounds to criticize anyone else