Inside leg kick question

After last night i need to figure out what i am doing wrong.
Im southpaw usually facing orthodox fighters. Whenever i try to throw a low kick with my left leg i always catch the knees of the opponents.
How do i set that up better or target better to avoid the knees Phone Post 3.0

I've found setting up my kicks with a striking combo eliminates most of the knee checks. Would love to hear more advice.

Hick kicks?

Are you catching your opponents knee because you're getting checked, or is it because your aim is off?

If its getting checked, you need to learn how to set it up properly. Throw hands to draw their attention away from the kick you're about to throw.

If its a matter of your aim being off, I've found that its due to your distancing (range) being off.

Khun Kao - Are you catching your opponents knee because you're getting checked, or is it because your aim is off?

If its getting checked, you need to learn how to set it up properly. Throw hands to draw their attention away from the kick you're about to throw.

If its a matter of your aim being off, I've found that its due to your distancing (range) being off.
Last it actually happened was because the guy literally tucked his knees together for some reason i dont know.

But usually i find people stand pretty narrow so its hard to loop it in there Phone Post 3.0

"Looping it in there" probably isn't the best choice then. Start the kick so that its going straight up, then cut it over into the target.

I've made my students practice kicking like this by having them stand with their side against a wall. If they're throwing their left kick, their left side/shoulder should be against the wall, and if they're throwing the right kick, then they stand with their right side/shoulder against the wall.

Then I stand in front of them and hold pads so that they learn to throw the kick and recover staying "narrow".

So bring in yup like a teep but across after? Phone Post 3.0

You can kick to their rear leg as well, I seem to like this one better at times. Phone Post 3.0

Rant time

So from when i posted this, i have been having a problem with my left foot and instep. Went to the doctor today about it because it wasnt healing and had x rays done. No broken bone but obvious ligament damage.
Needless to say i am not happy right now Phone Post 3.0