instructor for Charles gracie?

Chris kelly (sp?) what can you guys tell me about him .Whats his rank? style of teaching .The reason im asking he is teaching gracie JJ at a gym in san mateo ,im told he is /was a charles gracie student

TTT for personal experience.

Location: San Mateo, California

Official Representative:
Assistant Instructor ? Chris Kelly - Purple Belt

Chris Kelly is a certified purple belt instructor under Charles Gracie. Chris has been with Charles since the early days of Charles's Academy. Chris is a long time friend, student, and one of Charles Gracie?s instructor. Charles Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy (San Mateo) is located at 309 8th Ave., San Mateo, California 94401. Operating in side One World Fitness.
Chris has solid bases from which they teach their students and if you are looking for someone who you can train with as well as learn from, Chris is the man.
If you are going to train anywhere in San Mateo, California this is the place to be!
For more information you can call Chris Kelly directly at his academy (650) 438-9528 or via email:
Chris is awesome teacher and an incredibly nice guy.

I workout with Chris. Chris is a purple belt. He is a technical stylist and I find him to be very good and passionate about his teaching.
