** Interview with Mark Hominick **

"As for you Joe I wouldnt crush you. I plan on returning to fighting after May 31st and until then there is only one man I want to destroy and that is JHR. He will pay...LOL"

Don't sing it, bring it! Nancy boy !!!


I told you once, I'll tell you again...

"Don't make me start up all this equipment just for you" lol !

For anyone that's interested, rlmaximus and JHR will be having a sumo wrestling match at the next TKO...

Rob's already been training hard as shown in this picture sent to me last night...

It will be a barn burner for sure !

I would like to watch JHR get beat up.

It's official...

JHR vs Rlmaximus

Poster to follow....

Dougie, you're on my hitlist...

I love that signlet. I think it really shows off my legs.

I use the waterwings to make people think I have biceps.

I've been working on my Kata...


You're done for Dougie.


Holy crap! BLACK GI PANTS!

...I'm doomed...

Special order Sears catalogue black gi pants...

Your fate is sealed....

PS, notice my artistic side...Paper stained glass window in the background.

Yeah bitches, I'm a multi-talented killing machine.

Don't you forget it.

forgetting it

OMG..its "that 70's show " meets Karate Kid...


lol Pete, My Dad was EXACTLY like Red Foreman....

Right down to the pearl domed shirts...

EXACT same temperment...

That was a pic of JHR when he was in my weight class!~

You guys think I'm joking but I was a bean pole my whole life... I was 155lbs when I got married ('97)

Now I'm a few pounds more...

Thank you, ShowdownJoe. I humbly accept. How about that t-shirt? :^)

Those are some funny pictures. Isn't Rob bigger than Jacob? I would be scared, Jason... although it is said "the bigger they are the harder they fall."

"As far as the snow goes, first, that sounds like "labor," which is really not in my vocabulary."

It's actually "labour"...don't forget, us Canadians really like to use a lot of U's wherever possible....colour, neighbour, favourite...you get the idea?

well JHR marrige will do that to a guy...

I was 185 when I met Terri...I was alao 19 years old ..lol

Then during UCC 1-10 i went up to 230...

Since leaving UCC Ive stayed at about 205..still working on getting under 200 but age doesnt help that out at all...

cya soon


I was going to get into that somewhere along the way, sketchy. Eh. It seems only ShowdownJoe drops the "u" and adds an "o." Eh. IE "about" here in the US is "aboot" for ShowdownJoe. Eh. Maybe he isn't really Canadian? Eh.

I think Joe is Spanish.