** Interview with Mark Hominick **

Catching Up With Mark ‘The Machine’ Hominick

At TKO 19: Rage, fans of the Quebec based promotion will finally see the return of one of it’s favorite fighters. Although not a local hero, Mark Hominick has developed into quite a star in the francophone province, and his return promises to be an explosive one. ‘I have been living on the mats for this fight!’, says Hominick, in an exclusive interview with Showdown Joe.

Quick Interview at www.showdown.ca

(That picture above is one of the greatest pictures I've ever seen. It tells a thousand stories.)

TTT for Mark !!!

This is a very important fight for both guys. Should be a good one.

tnx for the interview.

ps. unless you can do it in one year, I'd advise against the MBA (doesn't add much value to an undergrad in business)

great interview. go Mark!

nice interview.


Joseph, in order for your "honourary Canadian" award to be presented at the next TKO show you need to finish every sentence from now on with "Eh".


"Hominick. Eh."

Thank you. Eh.



Joseph gave me crap a long time ago for they way 'I' pronounce 'about'. He said that I pronounce it 'aboot'.

The only way he gets ANY Canadian award is if he starts using 'eh' like JHR said, increases his maple syrup intake, and can shovel a 60 ft driveway covered in 2 ft of snow in 15 mins.

TTT 4 Hominick!

Great interview and great site Joe.....

The Team loves it... Thanks for your support.

Shawn Tompkins

Hominick is all class...

Looking forward to seeing these two exceptional
athletes put it to the test again.

TTT for the Machine, can't wait to see Mark get his belt back

Real nice, guys. Eh.

My maple syrup intake is plenty. Eh. Long time friends own the largest maple syrup producing company in Vermont. Eh.

As far as the snow goes, first, that sounds like "labor," which is really not in my vocabulary. Eh. However, I have done my share, as my home in Vermont had a 90' grass driveway off a hilly clay access road. Eh. Today, living in a private development, I am not allowed to do that stuff. Eh. Also, my SUV (this week) would plow right through it. Eh.

But this thread is not aboout me. Eh. Lets get back to Mark Hominick. Eh.

"But this thread is not aboout me"


crazyhook, will you be attending tko?

Joseph gets the award imo.

BigRed01: I need to contact Shane and interview him as well. I'm sure everyone would like his take on the fight as well.

Shawn: I've got to sit down with Sam and get his take. Last I remember, you and Bas took him out on the town and I pissed my pants after you told me the story. He's grown leaps and bounds since then. Also, an interview with Maximus is due, but I'm afraid he's crush me with those arms...lol.

Sam Stout beat me up.

Then he picked me up, dusted me off, then beat me up again.

I like Sam.

Fantastic interview.
Nobody works harder or is more talented than Mark. He deserves everything he has worked for. He is the hardest working training partner I have ever had.

As for you Joe I wouldnt crush you. I plan on returning to fighting after May 31st and until then there is only one man I want to destroy and that is JHR. He will pay...LOL


Throw me an e-mail teamtompkins@hotmail.com and I'll give you their contact info.


Couch Fu 1

Sam Stout 0

At the Chuck Liddell seminar this past summer I was rolling with Sammy and was in his guard... I told him "now try to escape"

I then pulled a Dan Severn and dropped all 255lbs of Couch Fu fury onto him and hung on like a fat kid on a smartie.

He was trapped.

I'm pretty sure he verbally tapped...

Now anybody that knows me, realizes I'm not religious in ANY way... But I did say a prayer that moment...

"Thank Christ Sammy isn't punching me"


I let him up and ran like a frightened school girl for the exit.