Iphone app error

I try to post on my phone and I get an error saying problem with my login. It has me verify my password and then I get the same error when I try to post.

Have 4s with IOS 5.0.1

And before any Android folks chime in, I have an Android phone too. Use Iphone for work and have android for personal phone. So I don't need to get a real phone as I have 2.

. Phone Post

Get a new phone Phone Post

Standup29 - I try to post on my phone and I get an error saying problem with my login. It has me verify my password and then I get the same error when I try to post.

Have 4s with IOS 5.0.1

And before any Android folks chime in, I have an Android phone too. Use Iphone for work and have android for personal phone. So I don't need to get a real phone as I have 2.

I have had this problem several times on my iPhone as well. Usually straightens itself out though within a couple hours I've noticed ... Board congestion?? Phone Post

 try now.

Mine works :) Phone Post

It usually does that when you have a long post. Literally...thats the reason. So be sure to save your post to the clipboard before submitting or you lose it. Phone Post

Phone Post

I've never been able to post with it either, tried everything

Testies, testies 1, 2.... 3? Phone Post

And it's working! Pretty irritating though when you take the time to respond to a post and it won't let you!

Any idea on why it happens? Phone Post

The Governor - Get a new phone Phone Post

This one is! Lol apples latest and greatest...... Ok its just a 4ass! Phone Post