Irish vs Dagestani violence in Vegas this week?

I imagine the Irish and fake Irish (Irish Americans) will be pretty drunk Thursday through Sunday and I assume a lot of Dagestani people and other Muslims will be in town to support Khabib.

Think some brawls pop off between the two groups given the bad blood between the fighters?

I’d assume there are a few brawls, especially Friday night on the streets and then in the stands on Saturday night.

If this happened as you lay it out I’m fairly certain a bunch of bear wrestling Dagistanis would beat up a bunch of drunk off their ass Irishmen.

Cue Dana:”Most disgusting thing evar.”

To production team: “Make sure you got all that on video for the rematch preview.”

I predict atleast 1 malatov cocktail and about 25 fights


Unlikely. Security will be deeper than the Pacific.

Oh really?