Is Aaron SImpson a Gimme Fight for Mayhem

UltraMagnus - Mayhem brutal KO....

mayhem has never brutally ko'd another fighter and hes not going to start with aaron simpson. Mayhem is the more complete fighter but this is a bad match up for him in so many ways.

Not at all, its a great match up though

Mayhem did pretty well in the ground game vs Shields who is obviously beyond simpson with wrestling and bjj

I've got A-Train. Ol' boys got heart.

LOL @ this being a "gimmie fight". Simpson is a bad ass and is a tough fight for anyone.

Seriously, Mayhem hasn't beaten anyone good since Tim Kennedy in 2007. It's 2011 now...

IMO he hasn't done much in the last few years. He lost any big fight he was in, Jacare...Sheilds...

Mayhem is pretty good at everything but not great at anything. He's a better "character" for the camera than fighter IMO. People will see that prettty quickly now that he's in the UFC and has to fight top guys consistently.

Aaron Simpson is one tough dude.

mayhem wont' stop simpsons takedowns and mayhem isn't that great of a striker. simpson will decide where the fight takes place.

also simpson beat mario miranda who is a better striker than mayhem and is also not that bad on the ground (black belt in BJJ). it's not a great match up for mayhem.

lol at the tard using percentages to determine how good someone's standup is.

jesus fucking christ

Mayhem sub. 2nd rd. Simpson is good...just not a good matchup Phone Post

Simpson is hard as nails, gonna be a tough one for mayhem

my first thought was "Simpson wins" Phone Post

Simpson takes this Mayhem getting beat down

Solid matchup although think with Mayhem now training with Munoz at Kings and being his first match-up back in the UFC, think he'll pull a sub out in the 2nd.

 Simpson wins a decision, see Jakes Shields fight for reference.

Simpson doesn't have the cardio to fight the whole fight like he starts out each time. He has the power and wrestling edge for sure but Mayhem is more well rounded. Not a gimme fight.

No. Outside of a jiujitsu ace like Demian Maia when you have one guy with vastly superior wrestling and the other guy can't defend the takedown really well than the better wrestler
will win even if his submission and standup game aren't as good as the other guy's.


CRE - If Simpson uses my gameplan of forcing a punches only exchange from the beginning with the intent of scoring a knockout, he has a decent chance to possibly catch Mayhem with something early.

That being said, Simpson is going to be the one getting controlled in the grappling, he might be the better wrestler, but transitionally he lacks where Mayhem shines as one of the best in the world.

I believe that Mayhem is going to demand taking Simpson's back at all costs, he will ride him with hooks in landing some good punches before he locks in a choke.

Mayhem's all around ground game will be too crafty, he will never stop squirming he will eventually get a grip on something and he will end the fight.

Simpson needs to capitalize in the first 2 minutes throwing as many haymakers as possible while spacing himself away from Mayhem, but even then it probably won't matter as Mayhem's head is too hard and the clinch and ground exchanges are inevitable.

Mayhem via RNC late round 2 after softening Simpson with punches from the back.

bets the farm on simpson

This is a terrible matchup style wise for Mayhem. Simpson can totally shutdown his offense with his wrestling.

Munoz handled Simpson, wondering if that info helps Mayhem with his prep. Munoz seems to be one of the better wrestling coaches based on his affiliation with 2 great teams.