Is Alistair Overeem the best MMA fighter with the worst striking technique?

Alistair is one of the best fighters to ever do MMA or kickboxing, I think we all agree on that.

But his striking, I don’t know what’s about it, but I never liked his technique. It was efficient no doubt, but he’s always looked very awkward at medium and long ranges. His low kicks are great but punches are strange looking. His main tactic has always been: Swarm, clinch, overwhelm with size.

Look at his last fight with Badr. He is effective, but, he does not extend somehow like for example McGregor, whose fighting style is beautiful, the same with Ngannou.

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the k1 champ has bad striking… just look at a fight when hes 42… ok??


No, his striking technique is pretty damn far from the worst in MMA. Overeem’s real problem was that he was a glass cannon - amazing power but with an off button that could be touched at any point with a decent punch.




You’re using his last fight in gay ass Glory to how he strikes in MMA? huh? Hes also 42 years old


How about Ngannou windmilling with his eyes closed?


If anyone is interested:

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The Reem at his best can beat almost any Elite HW and at the same time at his worst he can lose to much worse fighters than himself. He’s just inconsistent and has an unreal amount of miles on his body and chin but his 2 Sport decorated Resume has some of the best and most impressive highlights we’ve seen


McGregors striking was far from beautiful, flashy yes, beautiful absolutely not, over extended on most of his shots, pathetic leg kicks, chin up in the air far too often , palms pointing to the ceiling when he’d open up with flurries.

Reems striking is far superior.


You think technique goes away with age?

42 is pretty much prime at HW. Not old at all.

we all know how much damage he has taken in his career… making an example out of him at 42 is a bit unfair

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he has some of the best knees ive seen thrown


His technique was good but it was not the best in mma like he is often credited.

He was a middleweight gatekeeper until he ballooned to hw monster on large amounts of testosterone

Horse beef, cow beef, chicken beef, fish beef,


If you would’ve told me that skinny little Alistair Overeem who wilted in Pride would have this type of career I would’ve never believed it.


Animated GIF

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Prime Chuck Liddell wrecked Overeem.


I haven’t watched that fight in 15 years but iirc overeem outstruck chuck in round 1

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Chuck was just gassing him out with his chin. And gut.

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