Is BJ Penn the most overrated bum of all time? (MY LIVE UFC COMMENTARY)

The guy was so inconsistent and the last ten years of his career was a joke. He got beat up by little beaver pulver and got whipped by some bum at a bar. Just embarrassing. Does he work at quick-e-lube now or what?



Now why you gonna go and make an obvious troll thread on a UFC night? Can’t you just discuss the fights that are currently happening in a reasonable, mature manner?


Yeah. Nameless faceless guy got a wrestle fuck draw. Fight before that same thing. Half guard, slappy little punches. Stand back up. Whiff 90% of punches. Like missing by 2 feet punches. Takedown, transition. Stand back up. Whiff whiff whiff. Lucky jab to chin. Fighter A backs up after fighter B lands a lucky shot. Some spinning shit at the end of the round that misses by a mile. high kicks that aren’t close to their mark. More spinning shit that misses by 3 feet. Corner guys that look like the backstreet boys and not fighters. Grown men that weigh as much as an 11th grade girl. More tattoos. Someone pissed off their barber: Make me look like butthead, but give me a mullet. But shave a design, I wouldn’t want the fans to forget how exciting I am!

Bunch of tattoos and beavis haircut/mohawks, very little skill. Great fights!

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Screen name checks out.


Um… no.

Well…you’re not wrong. LOL

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Now advertisements for a movie called “Cocaine Bear”. Just waiting for some slap fighting commercials and some cousins fucking each other in the audience. Great event!

You know the event is a joke and the guys are underpaid when Jason Herzog is the biggest star on the card, and he’s the ref. Haven’t heard of any of these jabronis

Now I am watching two 300 lb slobs. Tatted fat is better than bare fat, apparently. Who needs to go to the gym when “Cocaine Bear” is in theaters?

Him and Chael.

Nameless fat guy A knocks out Nameless fat guy B. Hopefully fat guy A can buy some more tattoos, as they are the new K&N airfilter for fighters. (+5% toughness)

Beautiful commentary. Better than watching this shit card

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Penn was incredibly talented naturally, the work ethic just usually wasnt there. He never needed to fight, but was/is a natural fighter and took to jiu jitsu effortlessly. He fought heavy weight ffs. Was a shame how his career ended but the guy has always been legit.

Hopefully they bring out the hobbits next. I need to see two 125 lb men do some flippy shit. I also need to see some better tattoos. Popcorn in microwave.

How high are you op? Fuck no

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Who else is looking forward to Cocaine Bear? Cocaine and the UFC go hand in hand, makes perfect sense. I bet they won’t pay the slap fighters in coke, but meth is preferred. Dana’s newest idea may be trailer wars. Guys in RV’s ramming each other, RV’s filled with explosives. Winner gets a case of cheese wiz and four Nebraska Ave hookers. BJ penn is the ref.

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Can’t fucking wait until cocaine bear. We already have a date for theatre

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Not high, just high on this amazing event. All the spinning shit and 95% missed strikes just get me so amped up man.

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This is what i’m saying. Cocaine bear advertising really ties in with athletics and USADA tested fighters. Waiting for Dana to bring out the midgets.

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