Is BJJ Enough??

I'm just looking for some advice from the forum. Honestly I am extremely interested in becoming a pro fighter. I love the sport and I have loved it since the first time I saw it. My question is this......

I live in northwestern CT and as far as I know there aren't really anyMMA schools in my area. I've wrestled and boxed for years and I've been out of the military for about 6 months. I'm 22 years old and i think i have a decent start, but I know the limited training I have in submission isn't going to be enough, nor am I really in the proper physical shape right now to compete. My question is, giving the background I have in Wrestling or Boxing (i honestly havent trained in either since i left the military though) would it be enough for me to find a good BJJ school and learn BJJ. I can already take and give a punch and I can wrestle.

Also, does anyone know any good schools in the CT area??

Any help/advice is much appreciated.

In order to seriously compete, you need to train much more than just BJJ.. Nowadays you need a solid ground, standing, clinch game... You could probably have some fun at smaller venues, but for the big shows you gotta be well rounded... if this is really what you want to do and there isn't much in your area you might want to move.

No one thing is enough, and you have to train all
facets of MMA (Striking, Takedowns and Clinchwork,
Submissions) HARD if you want to be a succesful pro
MMA fighter.

Hey dude my name is Andrew Calandrelli a pro fighter under Renzo Gracie i have a school in North Haven Ct and we have Boxing, Muay Thai and wrestlers that train with us. If you want to come train to be a fighter our place is the place to train we have 3 pro fighters training here and some pro boxers. Give me a call if your interested 203-668-6110.

Andrew Calandrelli - Team Renzo Gracie

TTT for Team Renzo

Andrew I'll definitely be giving you a call either later tonight or tomorrow, I really appreciate it. Does your school just have boxing, MT and Wrestling or do you guys train submissions also?? Probably a dumbass question because you said you trained under Renzo though......

A couple of you mentioned that no, BJJ is not enough. I realize that but my point is that I've trained in Boxing and Wrestling also, so I have a decent standup game and decent takedowns/takedown defense. I was just wondering of BJJ was enough to round out the training I've already had.


"...A couple of you mentioned that no, BJJ is not
enough. I realize that but my point is that I've
trained in Boxing and Wrestling also, so I have a
decent standup game and decent takedowns/takedown
defense. I was just wondering of BJJ was enough to
round out the training I've already had..."

Unless you are already an elite, world-class wrestler
and striker, then no, training just BJJ will not be
good enough to round out your game.

Seriously, just "decent" in all areas won't cut it if
you are serious about being a successful pro fighter
who hopes to make money at the bigger shows. Even
fighters known as "jacks of all trades" are usually
specialists / elite / near world-class in at least

u need all 3 at least: bjj striking wrestling. cardio and brains help lot too

art you made an excellent point. Definitely not a world class boxer or wrestler. Wrestling I was definitely one of the top in the state and boxing I was ...ehh......

I don't even really mean I want to jump right into the UFC. I honestly just love the sport and want to be part of it.

mrfantastic06 our main focus of training is no gi jiu-jitsu but my boxing and muay thai coach is a big part of the training. Ive been training at Renzos for about 7 years and won many titles in No Gi so my submission skill is really high and I hold the NorthEast title in MMA thru CombatZone in MASS. Definitly call me with your backround im sure you will be able to fight alot sooner than the average guy. And i always look for good training partners.

Thanks Alot ,
Andrew Calandrelli - Team Renzo Gracie