Is Costa a top 5 handsome MMA fighter?

Beep, porra.

A top 1.

Probably of all time 

He’s the best looking dude I’ve ever seen

Dude looks like a superhero

MR31 -
GOAT St. Pierre - He's the best looking dude I've ever seen

Because you've never seen me. 5'4, receeding hairline, bulging gut and crooked nose are just a few of my handsome features


I'd put Jouban above him.

DisIsDeRiddumOfDeNite - Dude looks like a superhero
Skips leg day for sure.

Oh and those pointy elbows…

I still think he’s Ricky Martin from an alternate time line. Living La vida Choker

Buffest “natural” athlete I’ve ever seen

He's dreamy, but not Jouban level dreamy.

He’s neck and neck with Sage, but Sage’s dorky charm would only work on certain women. 

Matt Wiman would strongly disagree…

He’s turned more people gay than BPA.

No pics of top 5.


HoldMeCloser - 

you have to ask girls, he's not top 5 because joe and brendan said it

I don’t need to ask any girls to know that he’s sexy as f



All decisions in life are best made with an informed opinion. I'm here to provide you with that.

Go to Google Image, type in "Stephan Bonnar" and try not to use all the Jergens in your house.

Top 5 Most Handsome MMA Fighter- In order:

1. Stephan Bonnar

2. Stephan Bonnar's hair

3. Stephan Bonnar's scowl

4. Stephan Bonnar's abs

5. No one gives a shit. Go back to #1-4

The polls are closed and the results are in.

He looks like Cristiana Ronaldos even more handsome bigger brother.

Borrachina vs Rockhold has to happen