Is DREAM on PPV? How do I watch it????

Aside from getting the free internet clips how do I watch dream is it on PPV?

Will it be soon?

What is HD net is it a web page????

I have comcast can you watch it with that?

Pain4Blood2 - HDNet, it starts in 12mins.

 Too bad I don't use Coon Rapids Municipal Cable. 

^F*ck, I have Comcast.

 it's a channel

it's not ppv

but you have to be subscribed to it


 it's probably streamed somewhere on the internet

I watched it at 4 this morning live

I sent a e-mail to Comcast pointing out how they have all kinds of sports packages and all I want is 1 measly channel that carries lots of MMA.

 I want to watch versus, but stupid face time warner doesn't carry it

the non fight2live videos were really choppy but these are fine

If you can't get it from your cable company, switch to Directv or Dishnet.

You don't actually need to have a fancy HDTV either. You just need to get a HD-receiver from your service provider.

It still has the old fashioned hookups for a normal television.

Jordan Lynch - What is HD net is it a web page????

I have comcast can you watch it with that?

nope, comcast sucks, and doesn't have hdnet! I need to switch providers....the stream works for now