Is it just me or does Ross Pearson look just like

That hunchbacked Spartan off the movie 300? They could be twins. Can anybody post pics for comparison? Phone Post 3.0

nobigdeal - That hunchbacked Spartan off the movie 300? They could be twins. Can anybody post pics for comparison? Phone Post 3.0
That's what it is! I knew he looked like some kind of creature from somewhere. Phone Post 3.0

dead ringer


zebers3 -

Thanks for the pics. Not trying to diss Pearson but goddamn do they look alike. Phone Post 3.0

At first I thought you were a retard for thinking it and then I saw the pictures. Job well done, OP. Job well done.

They both have bad teeth.

Kings21 - At first I thought you were a retard for thinking it and then I saw the pictures. Job well done, OP. Job well done.
Thanks. Thought I would get jumped for fighter bashing but that wasn't my intent. Phone Post 3.0

Jesus even the scar on the Spartans forehead in that picture will be identical to pearsons after this fight. Phone Post 3.0

I see it brother. VTFU! Phone Post 3.0

"No disrespect Ross, but you look like that goblin guy from 300!"

Voted Up. Hilarious and great catch Phone Post 3.0

VU to zebers for the visual aid! Phone Post 3.0

He's got a hot fiance though so he's doing well for himself lol

Barbalos - "No disrespect Ross, but you look like that goblin guy from 300!"

Lol Phone Post

brahmabull81 - Im sure hed love knowing he looks like a hunchback monster guy. lol
Lmao this comment had me laughing out loud pretty loud Phone Post 3.0

The Lysine Contingency -
Barbalos - "No disrespect Ross, but you look like that goblin guy from 300!"

Lol Phone Post

This lmao Phone Post 3.0

Pearson is one of my favorite fighters but I can't deny the comparison but hey at least it's not as bad as Sam casel looking like smeegul from lord of the rings. Phone Post 3.0

Holy shit Phone Post 3.0

Bahahaha Phone Post