Is Kevin Mulhall retarded?

Really surprised to see a seasoned ref(excluding Cecil Peoples) make such an idiotic move as calling for a stand-up from mount.

that was one of the best moment of the fight, we were half asleep watching that fight till that standup...props to Kevin Mulhall

Nuetraman - that was one of the best moment of the fight, we were half asleep watching that fight till that standup...props to Kevin Mulhall

 That's because it's past your bedtime and mom has to take you to chorus in the morning.

Stand up from mount is almost as bad as separating when on guy has the back.


Nuetraman - that was one of the best moment of the fight, we were half asleep watching that fight till that standup...props to Kevin Mulhall

Problem is, you are not supposed to ever stand a fight up from mount..........

I couldn't believe it. 

Even if a guy isn't working from mount I dont agree with a standup, but thats not applicable in this case anyways

Ben was working! He was very active from mount. Just because you don't posture all the way up and throw punches, it doesn't mean you aren't working

From: Nuetraman Send Private Message Add Comment To Profile
Posted: 8 hours ago
Member Since: 10/12/10
Posts: 65