Wow I made you so mad that you sent yourself to Hell by intentionally disrespecting Jesus.
Your idol got stuffed and slapped by a featherweight which disqualified him from the GOAT discussion. He is nowhere near the level of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Rumors are that Satan loves virgin blood. So he will enjoy feasting on you.
Then he should be quite confident about taking a grappling match with GSP. Surely his mother still allows him to grapple, since he’s still training guys in grappling?
I’ve also never understood why the world’s best grappler has never tested himself in Abu Dhabi or any of the other grappling-spectrum venues. And the kneejerk reaction might be “well they don’t have enough money or a big enough platform for Khabib”… OH! Is that right? I thought Khabib wasn’t about the money?
A young man in his early 30’s. Won’t compete because his mom won’t let him. He’s the GOAT though as long as GSP never gets a hold of him!
Khabib knows GSP is not on his level in grappling. He just has no interest in competing at all since his father died, and why should he? What you don’t realise is that Khabib has been living like he was in the military since he was 3 and now he never has to work another day in his life and turns down 100 million dollar fights against Floyd. Different mindset.
Doesn’t sound like a GOAT mindset to me. Usually we reserve that word for people like Hendo who are all about the competition, and ride that damn horse until the wheels fall off.
Khabib was pretty good. If he wants the GOAT title, it’s right there in front of him, all he has to do is take it (from GSP).
The world needs to see Khabib vs GSP. It ain’t too late for either guy, sure as hell not Khabib. These guys need to find a way. It’d be the biggest, best thing that ever happened to the sport.