Is Nick Diaz mad? Does he come back?

Is Nick Diaz mad? Does he come back?

He ain't mad. He'd fight the winner of Lawler vs Hendricks. No problem. I imagine he'd fight Condit again too.

He should definitely make a new title run. Phone Post 3.0

Inspector Lunge - Why would he be mad? It's not like he is a top contender for a title shot.
Or any where close Phone Post 3.0

Would like to see Matt Brown vs Diaz. Phone Post

Diaz vs Lawler for the belt!

Because Lawler someone he's beat before is getting the shot and I'm thinking he's mentally talking some shiz right now.

UGCTT_5 for fighting - Would like to see Matt Brown vs Diaz. Phone Post

most definitely.

They are gonna make condit diaz 2 for #1 contender Phone Post 3.0

Diaz bros. sell ppv's. It wouldn't take Nick more than 2 wins in a row for Dana to put him in a title fight again. Phone Post 3.0

VitorpeepeetasteStrongTRT - Diaz bros. sell ppv's. It wouldn't take Nick more than 2 wins in a row for Dana to put him in a title fight again. Phone Post 3.0
Problem is, nick doesn't go on a 2 fight win streak vs the current top 10. Phone Post 3.0

UGCTT_5 for fighting - Would like to see Matt Brown vs Diaz. Phone Post
I admit, every time I see a thread a kin to "Nick Diaz vs ________" I immediately think, "Who gives a fuck? He's retired.". However, I really like this idea. Phone Post 3.0