Is testing for marijuana meaningless?

<blockquote>disbeliever - They are the rules of his employment, when his employment needs a license to fight. They are not ignoring state laws. They govern sports. They make the rules to play sports. The AC is not saying Nick can't light up in NV. They are saying if he wants to fight in NV, he cannot.</blockquote>
everyone gets this bro.

the problem everyone has is the rule is stupid.

"weed is banned because it may make you slow.
and its dangerous to be slow in combat sport."

similar to :

"playing video games is banned because it may be addictive and you may do this instead of training.
And it's dangerous not to train properly in combat sport."

Dr. Benjamin says what I've said himself

Yes it is meaningless. And cannabis should be a legal alternative to more dangerous substances like alcohol and tobacco.

There's no logical reason it should be illegal or a banned substance. Its persecution almost reminds me of the Harry Potter book burnings. They both make about as much sense.

MPA - Testing positive for dope is not meaningless, it is against THE LAW!

Gee, I didn't realize the athletic commissions were in the business of enforcing vice law. I thought the point of their testing was to promote fighter safety and prevent gains in advantage due to peformance enhancing drugs.

HexRei - 
MPA - Testing positive for dope is not meaningless, it is against THE LAW!

Gee, I didn't realize the athletic commissions were in the business of enforcing vice law. I thought the point of their testing was to promote fighter safety and prevent gains in advantage due to peformance enhancing drugs.

This... Not to mention the reason for testing.

Keith Kizer, Nevada State Athletic Commission Executive Officer to the L.A. Times. "It could make you lethargic, slow your reflexes, and those are dangerous things in a combat sport."

Yeah, Diaz seems pretty lethargic running those triathlons, and training 24/7. His reflexes seem pretty slow too..considering he is able to beat or hang with the best fighter in the world, I guess they must be REALLY SLOW.

Now don't get me wrong. This is 100% Diaz own fault. He knew he would be tested, but he did it anyway. I don't see the reason for them doing the testing though.

^^^At the very least, they could use a form of testing that more closely indicates whether the person is under the influence of the drug RIGHT NOW, like blood testing (which, rather than urine testing which looks for metabolites that are released for up to a month after quitting, tests for actual THC in the bloodstream which go away along with the drug's effects in a matter of hours or perhaps a day or two).

Urine testing for marijuana makes little sense if your only concern is whether the fighter is high at the time of the test, and from Kizer's words, that is indeed their only concern.

Agreed. NO fighter should ever fight drunk, stoned, or on any medications that could make them drowsy. However, finding out that they were a month ago should not matter in regards to a fight.

Doesn't nick have a medical marijuana license? Weed is harmless, and has alot of benefits, especially for professional fighter that are always getting hurt and training. Marijuana is way safer to use than Muscle Relaxants, which is the alternative.