Is the OG dead?

Can't get to the og for most of the day, something wrong?

It’s up and running. 

Works for me.

Not literally but yeah pretty much. UG too.

Thanks, looked at error was 'too many reditects'. Cleared browsing data and it works now.

Yeah it works, if you’re gay 

jpm995 -

Can't get to the og for most of the day, something wrong?

They sent me to break it to aren’t straight enough to post there.

Sorry bud - there’s always next year.  I recommend hanging out with BIGWHITESEXY to speed up the process...

I think the problem is…WFA

Stu Cazzo -
jpm995 -

Can't get to the og for most of the day, something wrong?

They sent me to break it to aren’t straight enough to post there.

Sorry bud - there’s always next year.  I recommend hanging out with BIGWHITESEXY to speed up the process...

When did they start letting straight folks in?

FatBuddha - I think the problem is...WFA

to be fair, if he couldn’t post there, this would be the place to ask that question.