Is the UnderGround getting attacked by hackers?

 It's my first time being able to get on to the forums today after trying for 5 hours....   Either is going through a major upgrade or the UG is getting attacked by a bunch of hackers.   

My theory is the red headed step childs (sherdogers) got mad that Uncle Dana banned them from  access to major MMA events (UFC, Strikeforce) so they're getting back at his first born.  (Underground)

The chances if anything coming from Mars are a million to one Phone Post

No shit! This is the first time I get on today. At first I thought it was the iPhone app but then I tried on my laptop and got the same shit. Lol I needed my ug fix! Phone Post

Apparently, The Garv increased the size of his logo so much that it covered the entire UG, crashing the servers.

crazygrimreaper -  you were trying for 5 hours? you sound like an interesting fellow.



Zedlepln - 

Apparently, The Garv increased the size of his logo so much that it covered the entire UG, crashing the servers.


It sure is a good thing TheGarv has a great sense of humor..


RickStorm - 
Zedlepln - 

Apparently, The Garv increased the size of his logo so much that it covered the entire UG, crashing the servers.


It sure is a good thing TheGarv has a great sense of humor..

Funniest thing he ever did was his boy's F the UG video. Pretty sure that was the garv.

 yep! That was TheGarvJr 

 Some of the tech guys say it is something like hackers but I think it is something like someone screwing up. TON of new hardware coming on line shortly and then I will know for sure.

It could be someone who's first name starts with an 'S' and last name with a 'W'.........................



 they started again.

LOL @ 'hackers', nobody is that interested in sinking this website. Look at the configuration of the CDN as your culprit.  

DDOS attacks don't have an associated error message. 

Kirik -   TON of new hardware coming on line shortly and then I will know for sure.

are you running a nuclear plant or a website here? wtf

 All your base belong to me.


MentaL - 
ABE FROMAN - LOL @ 'hackers', nobody is that interested in sinking this website. Look at the configuration of the CDN as your culprit.  

DDOS attacks don't have an associated error message. 
I doubt its the CDN because allot of the errors are database related. My guess would be then that the mssql server cannot handle or the queries. Having two servers (one for web one for mssql) would be a good alternative. Web servers dont need allot of power but upgrading the mssql would be a good approach.

It really depends on the day what error message is being recieved. Most of the errors center around 'service unavailable' which is typical of not resolving via the cdn engine. Also these problems don't just happen during high-traffic windows, they just HAPPEN. The whole point of the CDN is distributed data for less connectivity errors and faster access to data, since the upgrade both have gotten worse.  A general MSSQL error message would be easily found in the error log and easily fixed during one of these daily extended downtime episodes, as would any software issue that involves a simple upgrade. It wouldn't go on for a year+.

It's possible there is more than one problem but I've fixed this exact same issue on misconfigured CDN's more than once.


 we just got DDOS mortared again.