Is there hope after spinal fusion? (cervical)

BUFFGEO - I had c5-c6 fusion and won major tournament titles within 18 months

Voted up! Live life!

Malachy Friedman - nate its great to hear from you on this

I talked to alot of doctors about the surgery you had(as little as I know about it) and they hadnt heard about it.

I had bilateral microdiscectomy 2years ago.
3 years ago I had the injury

I got my arm strength back in both arms for the most part

the pain is still there and my neck is still very weak

so I am dealing with what feels like a permanent injury. But there is some good news. I switched my training from MMA training to gi jiu jitsu (there are less guillotines and the collar control rather than neck control is better for me) but I have had to change my game entirely and I cannot let anyone get a hold of my head or neck.

I can't complain bc I am training and sometimes really enjoying it and having good rolls. But the competitive side of me can be really frustrated bc I know the disadvantage I am at physically although I hope to compete at Jiu Jitsu at the very least again.

Thanks for taking your time. This has been one of the hardest things I've dealt with.

Malachy, I really focus on my traps and neck muscles when I work out. At 40 yrs old guys are always commenting on my neck thickness and traps. I believe that this has helped my weak cervical spine and helped keep me training after my surgery. Just something to think about....

Trey Houston - 

I have a very relevant story to add because i underwent the same surgery. I am sharing with the intention of giving you some hope. About 4 years ago I broke my neck between c5 and c6. I was set to make my pro debut about a month after the incident. Obviously I was not able to do so. I had to go into surgery and the doctors to a piece of bone from my hip and did a bone fusion. I was in a neck brace and I went in for check ups each month to monitor the progress. I was not allowed to lift anything during this time and was ordered to stay off my feet as much as possible. After the ninth month the doctor said I was ready to have the brace come off. He said that the bone fusion had taken perfectly and that I would be at no more risk than anyone else and the only thing I should notice is a little bit less flexibility. I went back to working out and training and six months later I successfully made my pro debut. I have been fighting almost 4 years since the accident and I am 11-1 as a pro fighter. I am not saying this is the normal outcome of a case like this but it is possible. I kept a very healthy diet during my injury and never skipped any physical therapy or rehab as the doctor advised. I know this was a summarized version of the story but I'm currently at work and did not have a lot of time. Anyone feel free to pm me for more details. Best of luck. Phone Post

F'n love to hear this!!!!! I "retired" after my last fight which was before I had the surgery. I lost a three round war in the final minutes by submission. I hated going out on a loss (This site and Sherdog has me at 1-3, but I'm actually 3-3 in MMA, 11-4 in boxing/kickboxing). I would love to fight one more time in MMA this year and go out with a win...  I need it to finally just put MMA to rest for me. I'll still compete in BJJ, but I want that one more win in the cage.

KidJustice - 
Malachy Friedman - nate its great to hear from you on this

I talked to alot of doctors about the surgery you had(as little as I know about it) and they hadnt heard about it.

I had bilateral microdiscectomy 2years ago.
3 years ago I had the injury

I got my arm strength back in both arms for the most part

the pain is still there and my neck is still very weak

so I am dealing with what feels like a permanent injury. But there is some good news. I switched my training from MMA training to gi jiu jitsu (there are less guillotines and the collar control rather than neck control is better for me) but I have had to change my game entirely and I cannot let anyone get a hold of my head or neck.

I can't complain bc I am training and sometimes really enjoying it and having good rolls. But the competitive side of me can be really frustrated bc I know the disadvantage I am at physically although I hope to compete at Jiu Jitsu at the very least again.

Thanks for taking your time. This has been one of the hardest things I've dealt with.

Malachy, I really focus on my traps and neck muscles when I work out. At 40 yrs old guys are always commenting on my neck thickness and traps. I believe that this has helped my weak cervical spine and helped keep me training after my surgery. Just something to think about....

I am really unable to do this

Working out much less working my neck out flares my nerves up something bad

And for some reason makes all the joints in my spine crack for weeks after...also I lose muscle strength in my arms almost immediately

I found I can do gi bjj but not working out
strange I know

excellent thread. thank you to all who contributed.

You will want to read every page of this thread:

"Bad C5-C6 Herniation Q & A please"

Good luck to him Phone Post 3.0

I had c4-c5 and c6-c7 fused last March, and the relief from pain was instant. I was in constant pain 24/7 and getting the surgery was the only option. I had one disc completely torn and the other was basically flat and on the nerve.

The rehab was tough for the first couple of weeks, but one the muscles in the neck got stronger all was good.

I was fully released with no restrictions after 10 months and actually got back on the mats after that for light rolling. Phone Post 3.0

TTT Phone Post 3.0

I was able to start driving 3 weeks after surgery and return to work the same week. I am a business analyst, so sit in a lot of meetings in person and on the phone.

I will say take it easy for the first couple of weeks after you go back, and use your collar when you start hurting. I had a soft collar and I used it for 5 weeks after the surgery. Phone Post 3.0

Bull_in_chinashop -  

Does anyone have  a direct experience with cervical spine damage (C1-C7) and the rehabilitation or training after spinal fusion surgery?/o:p


I have a student who recently went in for surgery having herniated 2 disks and he had fusion done for 3-4 & 5-6.  He is devastated now and severly depressed because doctors tell him don’t even think about combat sports again, and this guy’s world was built around training, working as a personal trainer in the mornings, working a part time job in the afternoons and training every evening. He built his life around fighting./o:p


So what I’m hoping to hear from you are your stories of injury and surgery and were you able to train again after surgery or was it too dangerous or painful etc./o:p


Thank you./o:p

I still fight Phone Post 3.0