Is this for real? (young BJ beats Judo BB's)

Dexter Morgan - Mark Kerr was a kid in 1997 too.

Maybe he should have entered as a white-belt in that strip-mall dojo tournament.

The fact that they have white and black belts fighting in the same division should give you a clue as to what kind of tournament this is.

This is not some high-ranking tournament for serious athletes. It is a club meet put together for fun.

And yes, BJ Penn was training full-time in 1997. He comes from a very rich family, and has never worked a real job for one single day in his life. Everyone he faced in that fun meet was working full time in an office or a factory.

Do you not think Mark Kerr could have beaten any of those guys in 1997?

Actually NO... I fought the open division that day and if Mark Kerr wore a gi.. i would have a great chance at throwing that guy...