Is this for real? (young BJ beats Judo BB's)

Is this for real? I have seen this on YouTube and it claims that BJ Penn beats a bunch of Judo Black Belts while he was a BJJ White Belt. Does anyone know the story behind this? Thanks in advance.

Crap its not working. Here is the link to the video:

 yes it is true

Elias Cepeda -  yes it is true

Do you have any links to any source material where I can read about this? So BJ Penn as a BJJ WHITE BELT beat a Judo Black Belt in a Judo competition?

I have some questions:

1. Was BJ really a BJJ white belt or just wearing a white belt because he was in a Judo competition?

2. When he pulls guard and then submits the guy, they keep restarting it to a standing position. In Judo matches, do you not WIN a match by submitting your opponent? Is it just worth POINTS but you have to keep fighting till the end of the match?

3. What is with this Black Belt - he doesn't look that good... does anyone know who it is?

4. Any interesting facts or information you have about this would be great, like the date, how old BJ was, how long he had been training, etc. I think this is very interesting and have often wondered about this.


1. Was BJ really a BJJ white belt or just wearing a white belt because he was in a Judo competition?

He was wearing a white belt because it was a Judo comp and he didn't have a Judo rank.

2. When he pulls guard and then submits the guy, they keep restarting it to a standing position. In Judo matches, do you not WIN a match by submitting your opponent? Is it just worth POINTS but you have to keep fighting till the end of the match?

The rules in judo are such that you can't drag your opponent to the mat. You have to skillfully get them to the mat. If you don't then they can call "matte" and restart.

Also once the matwork ( newaza) begins you have to make constant progress to a sub or pin. If you stall at any point the ref can call matte and restart you standing. Thats why judo matwork many times looks spazzy to bjj guys they don't have all day to do fancy setups.

3. What is with this Black Belt - he doesn't look that good... does anyone know who it is?

There's black belts and then theres black belts...

4. Any interesting facts or information you have about this would be great, like the date, how old BJ was, how long he had been training, etc. I think this is very interesting and have often wondered about this.

The rumor I heard was the he was a solid blue at this point but thats just a rumor.

There's several levels of Judo tournaments.
The lower ones have 2 divisions:
1. white+green+blue+brown
2. high brown and black

I have been competing in Judo for the last 10 years and have never seen an instance where a senior white belt would be allowed to compete in the senior black belt division.

Unless this was an in house or very small tournament and they made an exception and pooled the divisions.

A while go I tried to find out what event this was, but there seems to be no info, one should ask BJ...

But if you guys have a need to go and tap out Judo black belts, come to my club and I'll feed you some...:)


Thank you Tomasd and Judo Scott for the information! I enjoy learning about these things and I would certainly love to hear someone ask BJ about the event.

If anyone has any more info, please post!

in those days BJ and the Camarillo brothers, dan and dave, trained. they are both very good judo Black belts. so its not like he just decided to go to a judo tournament, he prob practiced judo with them before.

Dave Camarillo as at AKA, isn't he?

We took him to Bakersfield to compete in my fathers tournament. He fought as a white because he was a white belt in both. Ralph did not promote him yet.. That is from what I remember.
He really wanted to compete and at his age, there was no one for him to compete against so we ask if he wanted to compete in the Black Belt division and he wanted to.

He actually threw one of them for the win. Now none of them where national champions, but some of the them I have seen compete in local tournaments.

He trained with us for a total 3 years before he left. I dont think he was at Ralphs for more then 6 months before that video.

That is incredible... so he was that good with that little amount of training?

timkd - Dave Camarillo as at AKA, isn't he?

That he is.

That's why he's the Prodigy!

BJ won the Mundials in 2000, right? or 2001?

BJ Penn is the worst sand-bagger in history.

Mark Kerr could have entered that same tournament in 1997 and smashed everyone too.

BJ Penn was a full-time professional fighter, entered in a strip-mall dojo tournament.

He should be ashamed of himself for entering.

 he was a kid!!!!!! lol professional fighter??? what are you talking about?

Mark Kerr was a kid in 1997 too.

Maybe he should have entered as a white-belt in that strip-mall dojo tournament.

The fact that they have white and black belts fighting in the same division should give you a clue as to what kind of tournament this is.

This is not some high-ranking tournament for serious athletes. It is a club meet put together for fun.

And yes, BJ Penn was training full-time in 1997. He comes from a very rich family, and has never worked a real job for one single day in his life. Everyone he faced in that fun meet was working full time in an office or a factory.

Do you not think Mark Kerr could have beaten any of those guys in 1997?

gezz, there's been threads and threads about this clip...

So what is the question?

Is BJ Penn talented? Yes he is.
Did he enter a judo tourney and won matches? Yes he did.

It really irks me that the subtext usually is that "judo sucks and anyone with 1/2 year of BJJ or wearing the same brand of shorts as BJ Penn can enter a judo tournament and beat the poor blackbelts..."

Well, don't rely on BJ Penn, go do it yourself and report back.


Armhntr - We took him to Bakersfield to compete in my fathers tournament. He fought as a white because he was a white belt in both. Ralph did not promote him yet.. That is from what I remember.
He really wanted to compete and at his age, there was no one for him to compete against so we ask if he wanted to compete in the Black Belt division and he wanted to.

He actually threw one of them for the win. Now none of them where national champions, but some of the them I have seen compete in local tournaments.

He trained with us for a total 3 years before he left. I dont think he was at Ralphs for more then 6 months before that video.

Sweet. Thanks for posting.

Tomasd - gezz, there's been threads and threads about this clip...

So what is the question?

Is BJ Penn talented? Yes he is.

Did he enter a judo tourney and won matches? Yes he did.

It really irks me that the subtext usually is that "judo sucks and anyone with 1/2 year of BJJ or wearing the same brand of shorts as BJ Penn can enter a judo tournament and beat the poor blackbelts..."

Well, don't rely on BJ Penn, go do it yourself and report back.

Nobody has said anything like that on this thread.  What are you talking about?

Good questions were asked, and the facts have been brought to light.