Is this legit??

I just got an email from someone named Jeff Knepp telling me that I won the UFC Text To Win for FX 5 promotion for a pair of hand signed gloves by Travis Browne and Antonio Big Foot Silva. Is he the guy that is in charge of this? I'm not sure how else anyone would have gotten my email ... but I've never won anything like this, so I'm skeptical.

Has anyone else on the UG won one of these promotions?

If it was fake I think they would come up with a better fake prize than that. Prize too crappy to not be real

Maybe Saucylv33 can get an answer for you. Try PMing her

Congratulations if legit

Ttt Phone Post


It is apparently legitimate! He just sent me tracking information for UPS Next-Day Air. Thank you Delivery Agent, Inc. and UFC!! This is incredible ... he said he was throwing in some "freebies" as well!

stayrad - 

Cool prize, shame the fighters ruined the gloves by writing on them though. Phone Post




Hes the guy who has that "catfish" show.

The cute "chick" you've been talking to online, wants to meet you now...


Awesome bro!pics when you get the heat please! Phone Post

saucylv33 - Legit.

Lucky dude

Double post


UGCTT_45forever - Awesome bro!pics when you get the heat please! Phone Post

Gear****fuckin ifag Phone Post

Freebies: cabaret coupons Phone Post

Post pic when u get your shipment congrats. Phone Post

Can't wait to hear about the freebies!!! Phone Post

Phone Post

V happy for you!

I just got a huge box of stuff from the UFC!