"An outside promoter being forced to go through local promoters to have an event sanctioned is wrong IMHO"
I agree 100% and that is one of the changes being made.
"The ISCF/IKF didn't invent MMA and they weren't a part of MMA for many years. Why should they now be the 'ONLY' sanctioning body for it?"
Then the question could be asked, "Why should boxing or athletic commissions be the 'ONLY' sanctioning body in any given state when they have never had anything to do with it, either?
The ISCF was responsible for keeping MMA legal in GA. No one else stepped up to the plate and fought for it.
Any organization that has full reign in any state is not really a problem... As long as safety guidelines and standards of business are met. The problem that ISCF had was having a few promoters in charge of approving other promoters. Even if it never was a problem, it was always there to be viewed as a problem and in turn, it is being changed.
The whole " they are a full governmental body, responsible to the people of the state" is total BS. Why do we want people in position of responsibility of the sport who are willing to let professed felons promote? Why would you put the safety of 20 fighters and 2000 fans in the hands of a person who doesn't even care about their own well being? State organizations have no problem doing these kinds of things so we can dispense with all the "the state orgs are there to serve the best interests of the people" bullshit. We are all aware of the corruption that surrounds boxing and the athletic commissions that are in charge of it. That's an insult to mine and everyone else's intelligence.
"These state commissions have a history of allowing multiple organizations operate within their jurisdictions"
Not other sanctioning bodies. They have a history of letting other promotional companies operate within their districts. So does the ISCF. The ISCF actually FOUGHT FOR THE UFC when it came here. That was what initiated the boxing commission to want to outlaw MMA in GA. We have had DangerZone come to GA under the ISCF. We have had WEFC come to GA under the ISCF. KOTC was in negotiations to come here not long ago and still may and I know for a fact that the AFC from FL are currently in negotiations to do shows in GA, all under the ISCF. The ISCF is not about keeping other orgs out of GA. They are about keeping the sport in GA out of the hands of questionable or criminal elements. If someone has been kept from promoting MMA in GA you can bet your bottom dollar they were either guilty of criminal charges, guilty of questionable behavior in the past concerning promotional duties/business practices or directly involved with someone who met the above criteria. I don't want to start naming names here and pointing fingers because it's rather obvious.
"Also I keep reading that "we are the only sanctioning body that isn't a promotional body". One could say that the biggest event the IKF does every year is it's own show - The IKF North American Amateur Tournament."
It's always done by an independent promoter, as well as the regionals. Different promoters put on these tournaments each year. Sometimes they may be done by the same promoter 2 or 3 times in a row but it is never set in stone which promoter will handle the events.
"On the other hand - WOW. The IKF tournament is far and away one of the best run events in the country. I have been to many grappling tournaments, many fighting shows, and almost all of them could learn something from the IKF when it comes to event organizing. They also have a genuine concern for the athletes that compete. And that runs all the way to the top."
And there you go... that's the bottom line, isn't it? Because a couple of shady and questionable people were denied the right to promote MMA, for reasons which were plainly stated, it should be evident that the IKF/ISCF are concerned mainly with putting on good organized events and looking out for the best interests of the fighters and the rest involved.
"I'd like to just respectfully disagree with you on them."
So what is it you disagree with me about? We agree that promoters should not be put in charge of approval of other promoters. That seems to be the only problem that arises when talking about opposition to ISCF. So am I to assume that you agree that felons should be able to promote? Should promoters with a history of fraud, theft and not paying fighters be allowed to promote? Should people admittedly and openly associating with said people on a business level be allowed to promote?
Here's the bottom line, and even you agree with this...
Since the ISCF fought successfully to keep MMA legal in GA 5 years ago our MMA scene has become arguably the most active in the country. The shows are well run and operate almost flawlessly. Our officials are knowledgable, highly skilled and experienced. The fighters are kept safe and are always paid on time. Our guidelines and standards are noble and dedicated to preserving the integrity and well being of the sport that we almost lost because the athletic commission wanted to make it illegal. Yeah, we admit that we kept a few criminals and thieves from promoting in GA. Anyone who has a problem with that standard needs to question their own motives and integrity...