"If it's a professional pursuit, then usually it is treated as such and regulated by a governmental authority."
What governmental authority regulates pro football? Pro baseball? Pro hockey? Pro soccer? Pro golf? Pro auto racing? To my knowledge boxing is the only pro sport that is regulated by a governmental body. I know athletic commissions have jurisdiction over amateur sports but what involvement do they have in professional sports that are also regulated by NFL, Major League Baseball Commission, PGA, NASCAR,etc. These are not governmental bodies.
"I have been denied multiple times by the iscf"
See, this is where the half truths get started. Tell the whole truth. You were granted a promoters license by the ISCF, no? You were told you could promote ISCF as long as you weren't associated with convicted felons in any business capacity and that the ISCf preferred that you did not co-promote boxing mixed with MMA shows, no? You agreed to both of these requests and were granted the right to promote MMA in GA, correct? Then you picked a date to promote that was sandwiched within a two week period of one show and 1 week of another show, both in GA, not Alabama or Iowa, as some would have us believe...(the fact that these ludicrous statements have even been made show that certain people have a propensity to stretch the truth in hopes that it will further their agenda...). The ISCF had in place a variance rule of 30 days at that time so you were told that you needed to go through the proper channels to get that squared away. You made no effort to go through the proper channels in order to do so and instead opted to go on a public message board and whine that "you had been denied". The whole story, not just revisionist "facts".
" Imagine how many more out there have been stonewalled that don't know the proper channels to get their voice heard."
That's your key, right there. They were not denied, they were told to follow proper channels and chose not to.
"Basically, like other people have stated, if you're not "in the loop" then you'll never promote in GA."
Not true at all. Evolution Promotions who did a show in Dec, are "not in the loop" and as a matter of fact the heads of said promotional company had a falling out prior with an ISCF official. They were still granted a promoter's license because 1.) They went through the proper channels and 2.) The weren't involved with any convicted felons or other individuals that had been banned from promoting in GA for bad business practices.
"But they also do an excellent job of making sure only their board members are promoters."
Please show me who in Evolution Promotions is a board member of ISCF...
"Go to the iscf website and count the # of shows in GA in the past three years and you'll notice the # of shows has declined dramatically"
Let's see some stats to back up that claim. I beg to differ with you.
"Cam, why do you guys keep saying 'only two people were denied' when in fact that is completely false?"
Read above. You were not denied, just told you could not be involved in any business capacity with individuals that had been banned. Oblas was not denied he was simply told he needed to go through proper channels to get his requested date approved (which he did not do).
"Cam, could you please explain what the process is to apply for sanctioning in the state of GA through the ISCF?"
I have no idea as I am not involved in any capacity with the ISCF's protocols. I am simply a ref. I do know that the protocols are in amendment at the present time and I can guarantee that I will do whatever I can to help you put on a show here in GA.
"When does the government EVER do anything better than a private entity?"
Amen to that.
"Funny how you would use that argument in the ISCF's defense but you guys used it against me when I refused to quit being friends with Jamie."
Not quite the same. No one ever accused you of bad business practices or even insinuated that you may take part in them. What the ISCF was trying to do was to make sure that certain individuals were not involved in any way (official capacity) so that any opportunity to attack that angle would never arise, like I already pointed out happened at a FL event. It's just like the ISCF approval protocol. It was majorly flawed and was wide open to attack and criticism. As long as you were involved with certain individuals you and your promotiion would have been wide open to attack and criticism. They were simply trying to keep that door from ever being opened.
Contrary to what is being said, this post is full of ISCF bashing. It's painfully obvious that some have no other agenda other than an "anti-ISCF agenda" that is fueled by lies and half truths that keep being perpetuated in order to push this agenda.
This will be my last post here on this subject as I am basically tired of typing the same things over and over again on several different occasions in several different locations. It pains me that the people that have benefitted from the ISCF in GA the most are the first ones to turn around and attack it the way they have. Instead of being thankful that the ISCF has been here for them over the past 5 years and approaching any disagreemnents in a civil manner, coming to the ISCF and saying, "I think there are flaws, let's work together to fix them", they simply choose to sling mud and propogate agendas based on lies and half truths to turn everyone against the ISCF.
Bottom line- I am the first to admit that the ISCF approval process that was in place was majorly flawed and needed fixing. I agree that the variance rule needed shortening. I am not against other LEGIT sanctioning orgs coming into the state as long as they uphold the same standards that the ISCF has set as far as safety and efficiency. I do not want a governmental body regulating MMA in GA. I am in the middle here. Even though I am an ISCF official (ref) I have no part at all in their administrative businesses. I want everyone to work together for the betterment of our sport and I am not afraid to point point out flaws on both sides. The ISCF has a solid track record of efficiency and safety and to me that is what's most important and is why I stand behind them. Let's all work together to fix the other things so that we can all move forward.