Do you need friends, is that why you decided to gobble his tiny dick in the conversation?
You admitted to not knowing wrestling was fake until you were a teenager.
That’s on you…
The new shit is deplorable, the pre-2003 shit was the best shit going in society.
i like reem a bit more now
and i already liked him
Wait till he finds out about movies…
The Undertaker
It’s takes some longer to do that 360
We all watched it when we were young. No need to bash it.
Dr. D would slap the tar out of Overeem. Bet on that.
I’m not a CM Punk fan, and I hate most any pro wrestling from the last 20 years or so. That being said, the ovation that Punk got when he returned made Nate Diaz’s pop sound like a soft whimper. It was deafening.
Fair enough.
Came back to this thread via the front page Bc the Headline is hilarious!!!
Boom… spot on
Refreshing compared to all the rabid wokeness going on.
UFC based their whole business model on pro wrestling. You fags can hate it all you want its still true
Reem trying to make friends with badr’s north african butt buddies with his homophobic remarks
Lol you’re delusional
Spandex wearing sissies would like to believe so dream on