It's just too bad...

...To see how many people can punch and kick but do not
have skill in weapons and firearms. I am finding that there is
no "desire" to develop weapon skills in most people. Often
this is due to ignorance.

It reminds me of a time when nobody had the "desire" to
grapple. Then, the UFC comes along and everyone saw how
important it was.

Well the wake up call for the hold outs of firearms should be
terrorism, in all its forms.

The same goes for Counter Knife, Impact Weapons and
Pepper Spray.

These elements are all very dangerous. It takes time to
develop them. The empty hand skill sets can be a spring
board but there is total independant training that must be

Civilians will be on the scene when terrorism happens, law
enforcement will show up after.

"Options" is the name of the game.


Demi has bullseyed the correct!

I would not say ignorance. Some do not have access to that training. SO many people use weapons as a crutch.

"To see how many people can punch and kick but do not have skill in weapons and firearms. I am finding that there is no "desire" to develop weapon skills in most people. Often this is due to ignorance."

True, but it can also be said that weapons-folk have no desire to train the stand-up and grappling games for the same "ignorance" that you've noted in stand-up and grappling proponents.

The real cause of the ignorance, to me, is not being able to see the big picture: grappling, stand-up, weapons and firearms are all part of the same big picture that is life-and-death combat. This goes for both students and instructors. I'm just lucky to have an instructor who sees (and teaches) the big picture.

You're right though: it IS too bad.

I agree. While I love my previous empty-hand training, it took a back injury to make me consider other arts. Now, I think weapon arts are an overlooked defensive option, and very under-represented.

Often this is due to ignorance.
I think, in relation to bladed weapons, there are also elements of squeamishness and prejudice.
Squeamishness because of thought of cutting into someone's body. People I know who are happy training to pummel or choke someone into consciousness, or even shatter bones, are turned off by the idea of intentionally drawing blood.
Prejudice comes from seeing a knive strictly as an offensive weapon. Pre-conflict, two people, one with a knife, the other unarmed; who's the bad guy? Most people would consider the armed individual a pre-aggressor. So, learning how to use and carrying a knife makes you "a bad guy".

I think it's cool you teach the proper use of Pepper spary, because it has neither of these problems.
I'm OK with being a bad guy, personally, as long as I'm bad to the right people.

I think the problem with weapons training, is that you didn't have that "Renaisance effect" that the UFC and other competitions created in empty hand fighting. Before those got popular, Traditional MA's were a lot more popular. People trained with Death Touch masters, and all manner of kung fu's, karate's, jitsu's etc. However, they did moves that were supposed to kill, incapacitate and maim. However, when did those moves get tested out? "Legend says this strike can kill" and other such stories of "...this guy, he hit a guy with a Drunken Monkey Plays Master's Flute strike and the dude had a heart attack." Where was the real proof, the documented evidence that said such moves worked in TODAY'S society where boxing and wrestling are the basis of combat, not an antiquated martial arts discipline. The odd case not withstanding, there was none.

Once these comp's came out, people got to see their traditional MA in action. They found out the guys they thought were badasses, and the moves that could "kill with a touch" didn't work on a resisting opponent, even the ones iwth low skill levels as the early UFC;s had. This resulted in a seeming surge of people away from most traditional MA schools, and flocking towards MMA training, and a lot of the more..... well respected SD schools taught by people who have to use their skills day to day to survive. Places taught by Police officers, and experts they swear by, like Demi for instance. The hand to hand was sought, but the weapons training seemed to remain veiled in mists and a lot of people thought "weapons are for criminals and police, if I'm ever attacked by a guy with a knife/gun, I'm gonna run like hell...besides, what're the odds it'll happen to me?" There were also too many of the people out there who "know enough," or "my dad taught me how to shoot, I'm a good me hit this can....drawing it? Why practice that? Anybody can get their gun out.... if you pull a knife/gun on me, I'll just shoot your ass..." Almost a Traditional MA approach to it. Since the only real way to prove weapons training to the masses is impossible (unless police start selling videos of real shootings and knife fights, which I doubt), then the only way normal people would get to see it would be when it's too late. It sucks, but you can't force people to see the truth without hurting them.

The only thing you can do is keep offering the training, and trying to get the word out and hope your friends and loved ones listen to you before something happens.

I own 18 firearms, I love guns and wish I had 1,800. The world is changing

First is the cost of shooting. Its not a young guys sport, they are struggling and cannot afford the gun, let alone the cost to shoot reguarly. Now throw in the cost for training and competition.

Next is interest. In todays world there is so much access to many sports and interest. Back in the 70's when I was a kid everyone had a rifle or shot gun in the back of the truck. Everyone shot, hunted... It was a social event. Today cities are competing for tourist, more events are happening. Also more businesses that do adventures, kyak, moutain bikes, you can get on the internet and find a ton of things to do. People are not staying with one sport or hobbie as much. look at the martial arts, even with Mcdojo's how many stay to become Black Belts.

Technology/other interest. I have a friend of mine who owns a late 60's muscle car. He has two 16 year old sons (Twins) I was talking to his wife and said it must be great for them to work on the hot rod with dad (showroom shape) She said they have no interest, they just want to play video games and stay on the computer.
New entry into the market is not like it was 20 years ago. When I was 13 my dad and I went to the shotgun club and shot every weekend. We don't see this as often. Kids should be taught about guns, even if its about gun safty.

And ignorance. I do hear people talk about they didnt need a gun because they train. I have fought hundreds of people and have had many opportunity to meet some that can take my best shot. Some attackers can overcome you and they are not interested in the TV senario of stopping when you had enoug, some attackers will beat you to death, or stab you.

Gun sales are high in recient years, but there are many factors that are lowering the use and ownership.

Guns may go away one day, but I think it will be from economic reasons rather than laws.

Great responses everyone.

I have been focusing on civilian concealed carry training for
a while. The idea being that YOU will be the "first responder"
to any type of event that involves you or your family at a
theme park, a mall, a camp ground etc.

The "Civilian First Responder Program" is my big priority right
now. It integrates many elements of threat rec, firearms, white
light, first aid, communications and more.

I'll be posting more on my site soon.


Sounds great Demi!

Hell, the Samurai always used there swords first before reverting to unarmed combat!

In today's world, fireams training is a must. Even if you're not a gun fanatic (like me), a basic understanding of the operation of firearms could help for personal safety (like if confronted by an armed attacker).

Most bad guys carry weapons (cowards), and all the fancy grappling and kicking ain't going to help unless you get damned lucky.


Let me just add that fell very sure of myself in a one on one (or maybe even one on two) confrontation...but if i'm out with my kids and someone puts me in a position to where I feel that their safety or my life is threatened, than i gotta use deadly force.

Uhhh, was that too off topic? Sorry, my brain went elsewhere just now.

Mr. Barbito,

I've attended the Crucible's "INDIVIDUAL PROTECTIVE MEASURES COURSE" and I've known many LEO's and knowledgeable people. I research and practice WWII combative work on occasion.

but when it boils down to it. - I'm not the kind of guy who carries around a gun, and on most days, not even a small knife. so if a situation arises. I know I've got 2 very simple options.

1. run like hell.

2. comply and keep searching for an opening to disarm or escape. money? take it. car? it's yours. my family's safety? You're going to have to kill me to do it.

it's really that simple in my mind. I'm not going to sacrifice hundreds of hours to learn disarms and knife fighting. Instead, I'm going to live a very quiet, cautions and respectful life to avoid these situations (as much as possible in society), and continue to train in MMA where I can test my physical limits.

It is too bad Demi, but there are a few reasons that others have alluded to.

1. time/money. Your video's are great, but I think even you will agree that live training is better. Well, that stuff's expensive, and most of us work full time, which makes it tough. Also, like Dark Knight mentioned, guns and shooting are expensive. I can only afford to do once every few months, unfortunately.

2. concealed carry is nigh impossible to get in CA, and most other states. It's a good thing to know, sure, but I'm pretty sure I'm never going to be allowed to carry concealed, so what's the practical application?

and most other mine. Maryland.

I dunno nuthin, but...

In Ca. a firearm, loaded and concealed, is a misdemeanor on
the first offense.


I dunno nuthin, but...

In Ca. a firearm, loaded and concealed, is a misdemeanor on
the first offense.


I'm not risking it, if you're suggesting something like that...

Let's just be clear... the knife you "may" carry can be a felony!
A stick is always a felony, even in your own home.

A felony means no more guns for life.

In Ca the difficulty in getting a CCW changes from county to

I would never suggest that someone break the law.


"Instead, I'm going to live a very quiet, cautions and respectful life to avoid these situations"

I hear you on this, but often this isn't enough to avoid these situations. Just pick up any paper, and look through the "beat" section, and you'll see innocent, very quiet individuals getting robbed, raped, or murdered. It's a sad fact that being the "nice guy" isn't enough to keep you out of trouble.

That being said, I think that it's important to make room for this kind of training. Should it be the "centerpiece" of your training? Not necessarily. But it's important to know it.

Just to add, I'm not a student of Demi's.

"""Just to add, I'm not a student of Demi's. """

No, but your one smart dude!

