Youre part of the problem when you use their language and concede their points.
So ridiculous on multiple fronts.
Hes Nigerian… He immigrated to NEW ZEALAND… Not Australia lol. Even still… Hes nigerian.
This would be like americans in the USA cheering for a well loved brazilian over some immigrant who immigrated to Canada… Like as though you owe allegiance to someone who immigrated to another fucking country who has zero connection to your country.
The entitlement… Lol wow.
Dude is lucky as fuck he is surrounded by white people. He needs to go back and live in Nigeria again for a while to get some appreciation.

Youre part of the problem when you use their language and concede their points
I’m trying to paint a picture for those abroad.
I in no way agree with it and am definitely not part of the problem
Just rewatched Strickland v Izzy while on the treadmill for the hell of it. Love seeing Izzy get humbled. Guess he didn’t stay humble though
Aussie here, don’t care what colour his skin is. A dkhead is a dkhead and I will support the other guy.
Izzy is just a wanker

Aussie here, don’t care what colour his skin is. A dkhead is a dkhead and I will support the other guy.
This. And a good bloke is a good bloke. Pretty simple

Are they not liked?
As people, any that I have ever known personally or befriended have been awesome and I like them a lot.
What current day Australians don’t like is when, 350 years post British colonisation - people who didn’t partake in the ‘invasion’ are made to feel guilt or blame and when a portion of seemingly marginalised people don’t take ownership or try to better their own situation while being heavily subsidised by the government and tax payers.
Fucken Australians and Americans should all pay reparations to Great Britain. Your welcome you assholes.
Agreed when you consider how much their lives have been enriched by being colonized by the British and how much worse life is in modern day Britain.
I’d disagree with you but I’d require a licence to do so!
They are such cry babies.
Nobody cares about your skin color but they do care if your an insufferable goofy cunt. To come back and ko your rival after multiple losses was super impressive, still a fag though.

Nobody cares about your skin color but they do care if your an insufferable goofy cunt. To come back and ko your rival after multiple losses was super impressive, still a fag though
Perfect response

Aussie here, don’t care what colour his skin is. A dkhead is a dkhead and I will support the other guy.
This. And a good bloke is a good bloke. Pretty simple
The term is good cunt aye.
Aussies are pretty racist, but they also have no time for wankers. Izzy, as good a fighter as he is, comes off like a fucking wanker.
So in this case, it aint race.

I heard aussies dont like abos. I think its short for oboriginals.
They’ve been known to make fun on poofters but not in a mean way
At lease white folks are subtle about it. When I’ve watched fights at bars that are half blacks… blacks are openly racist.
In Nigeria does Izzy think they wouldn’t start up admit they always roo for blacks over whites?
Volk is a genuine person. Izy is not
And he’s definitely not a fag who jerks off his dog and plays the race card all the time because he’s an unlikeable CUNT!