Jacaré: "Nobody knew he was a crazy man"

no MTV in Brazil?

Chomas - fight me then bro

103 posts in one day?

If he was owning Mayhem, then why was he sitting ass on the ground getting kicked?

Had it been a knee, mayhem could have well gotten the victory.

CRE - 
Chomas - CRE you are the biggest fucking loser on these forums.

That's saying a lot bro. I would pay tall dollars to watch Mayhem drop kick you in the head. I don't know why they don't ban you for your CONSTANT baseless fighter bashing. It's annoying at best, now please fuck off.

Mayhem had his chance and he backed down brotha, I've moved on to bigger and better things,like jerking off to Rich Franklin.
Sick little cretard

 As the great Mike Tyson once said, "Fuck it! It's a fight."

Jacare owned Mayhem

Ponyboy - 
Chomas - fight me then bro

103 posts in one day?


"Had it been a knee, mayhem could have well gotten the victory."

why do people post stupid things like this. it wasn't a knee. it was an illegal kick that ended the fight. he should have ben dq'd and lost.

no contest is bs.

He has this habit, at the time of the interview he grows, but at the time of the fight he cried

Man I want to see this again!!!


vegard - "Had it been a knee, mayhem could have well gotten the victory."

why do people post stupid things like this. it wasn't a knee. it was an illegal kick that ended the fight. he should have ben dq'd and lost.

no contest is bs.

It's obvious you did not see the fight at the end with mayhem standing over jacare who was sitting down.

Jacare was easy pickings for a knee but not sure why mayhem threw the foot.

How is my post stupid when you are commenting on a fight you did not see?

 Jacare should move on to bigger and better things -

I saw the fight, Ponyboy. I also saw the gif numerous times. I know what happened. Mayhem threw a kick, not a knee. He could have done a lot of things there but he chose the one that was illegal. Them the facts, my friend.

Mayhem sucked, he hurt the guy illegally and then had the gall to curse at him. If it would have been the other away around you supporters would have been up in arms.

Jacare should move onto new greener pastures.

vegard - I saw the fight, Ponyboy. I also saw the gif numerous times. I know what happened. Mayhem threw a kick, not a knee. He could have done a lot of things there but he chose the one that was illegal. Them the facts, my friend.

Then you also know that jacare was right there to be kneed and that mayhem should have just gone forward with it rather than stop and kick.

I was posting about the position of the fighters and you decided to let emotions get the best of you

My post had nothing to do with whether his decision was right or wrong but you seem to have assigned me an opinion on whether mayhem was right or wrong.

That is not the case.

There was nothing stupid of my mentioning the basic physics but you, in your anger toward mayhem, decided anybody not condemming is in favor of what he did.

Next time you come to a stupid conclusion and use a quote of somebody to shit talk them, make sure that quote contains something that makes your comeback valid.


i think people are forgetting the fact that mayhem threw jacare's ass down and then delivered the hit.

before i get hate, i like jacare also.

he hit him in a domineering fashion, it wasnt no fluke. i dont understand why people make such a big deal out of the kick. shit like that happens all the time in other organizations and those events dont get anywhere near as much attention.

it wouldve been over in mayhems favor if the rules were different. alas, they are not, and he got a NC. just leave it at that fuck.

Josephus - lol the mayhem monkeys are slow to rescue this thread

apparently the experts on the UG know better than the DREAM judges on how to make a call, so what more is there to really say?



 lol I accidentally deleted my own post

Sorry I didn't see your post CRE, I was in Japan at the time. I woulda took a SN bet with you.

Next one?

and all I'm saying is the comments of "He was in a perfect position to throw a knee yet he CHOSE not to" coming from people who obviously do not fight and possibly do not train are irritating.

as are the comments on Mayhem's emotion and mental state at the time from people who were NOT there.

I been around the UG long enough to know that this is the norm and I too have posted a negative comment ot 2 or 3 about a fighter I dislike, so flame on friends.

The paid professional judges deemed this fight a NC. / of story.

No amount of whining and hating is going to change that.

My $0.02

I was pretty sure EVERYONE knew he was a crazy man.