Jack Merridew - Did Khabib work?

Hey Jack, I think you’re an ass.
These Dagi sheep farmers… Do they work to pay rent and bills? Do they spend 45 minutes driving to work, spend 8-12hrs earning a living, drive 45minuts home and then have time to train? Or do they spend their days with fuck all else to do but wrestle each other faggotly? Easy to be pure and disciplined when the the weeks entertainment is a goat farting.


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He may have had a job at some point, but he began to work at a very young age, training to become the best fighter that ever lived.

I mean @keir1

wouldn’t you rather learn how to train “faggy” MMA and Sambo from a young age, become the most famous IG star in Russia, multiple time world Sambo champ, undefeated MMA champ and worth hundreds of millions of dollars, coach of the year and hall of famer…

or be you who worked 8-12 hours a day doing menial work for the rest of your life for slave pennies?

It’s 2024 and this is still the UG


Appreciate that you responded with a reasonable post Brother. I don’t really think you’re an ass, just eliciting a response!

I used Khabib in my example but Dagestan and other parts of the Caucasus region produce great wrestlers and fighters. I’m curious to know if they achieved this level of skill while also in gainful employment and if not where does their funding come from to train full-time? Living ain’t entirely free anywhere in the world.

Don’t expect you to have the answers my friend, just Just curious about the economic challenges faced by fighters from different countries

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In Russia there are oligarch’s who fund training for promising athletes.

Abdulmanap was a long time coach of champions but this billionaire seen here invested into expanding Eagles training facilities. I’m not sure at what point in Khabib’s career.


Jack Merrifaggot is a self loathing white guy who for some reason yearns for swarthy cock


Imagine how pathetic a 50 year old would be to save a half edited out fake news screenshot of my post and follow me around to post it in every thread :joy:

Sounds like he’s benefited greatly from the generosity of warlords and scumbags.

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It comes with territory when you live in a war torn region where athletes are targeted and murdered.

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and Russias state funded PED program


No doubt there are sponsors ready to fund a successful athlete, but really, what’s in it for a billionaire? Would imagine eagle MMA would be small fry as an investment prospect. Is it national pride? Honorably throwing a bone to a good ambassador for the region?
I’m more interested in a fighters struggles pre- success. We have Stipe working full time as a fire fighter… Did he train part time while working a 39+ and still get to the pinnacle of the sport? Or did have a decade where he trained while someone else funded his existence?
We have Connor who couldn’t hack a plumbing apprenticeship so lived off of social welfare handouts and his girlfriend’s income while dedicating himself to training.
We have homeless Francis who, if you can believe it, cleaned mats to be allowed to sleep in the gym and train for free. How did he feed and cloth himself?
Some of the best fighters came from the poorest of backgrounds where gainful employment wasn’t an option. Somebody had to be footing th bill.

money laundering