Jake is NOT boring and Fedor did not get exposed!

Did you idiots see the transitions between Jake and MayheM? If you thought it was boring you don't understand grappling. Jake was always passing and looking for better positions. Props to MayheM as he gave Jake hell and would have finished him in the third if he had more time. The exchanges they had on the ground were as good as any exchange i've seen in a fight on the feet. MayheM vs Diaz would be sick.

Fedor has had tough fights in the past as well. Fujita had him in more trouble than Rogers did. It's a fight, and against a big tough guy like Rogers anything can happen. Rogers has skill and defended well from every position which suprised me. Props to both guys and most of all props to Strikeforce for putting on a great show.


The grappling displayed by Shields was absolutely incredible. His control, takedowns and transitions were amazing. Unfortunately his striking and his ground and pound was as bad as I've ever seen from an elite talent like Shields. I know he's capable of much more but I don't know how any Shields fan can say they weren't disappointed in his performance. After the 2nd round it was crystal clear he would have to go all 5 rounds to win. He couldn't hurt him with strikes (if they could even be called that) and he rarely threatened with a decent sub after the twister attempt. Mayhem was much, much closer to finishing. I wish he could have stuffed a takedown or two

Jake WAS boring last night.

His punches were fucking laughable and his lack of desire to finish was downright painful to watch.

C'mon stop lying to yourselves.. I won't talk smack on Fedor but Jake was completely boring.i love grappling but this is mma and you have to work towards something not just control your opponent on the floor.aggressive ground or active ground fighting is the bomb.that was neither..mayhem made the fight.

C'mon stop lying to yourselves.. I won't talk smack on Fedor but Jake was completely boring.i love grappling but this is mma and you have to work towards something not just control your opponent on the floor.aggressive ground or active ground fighting is the bomb.that was neither..mayhem made the fight.

Jake should have postured up more and gone for more subs from the mount. Classic example of a gameplan designed to go to decision.

Fedor: I agree 100%

Shields went with lay and pray and almost put me to sleep. I thought some of the transitions were interesting, especially in the early rounds, but there were way too many times later in the fight where he was happy to wrap Miller up and do nothing.