Jake Paul vs Tito Ortiz MMA fight

May I ask why you were depressed

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This shit. If youre really his friend youll tell him to not do this.

This thread has made me depressed

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Word. Everyone trying to get that paul bro money and sacrificing their legacies to do so, sad.

You’re a scumbag race baiting piece of shit, and you better pick a different battle on here scumbag.


Today is my birthday this year, I had a bad 2022 and 2023. I have been forced to solve problems I never knew I would have. Tito talked to me and helped me feel better. Thanks Tito, I tried to invite him to diner here in San Diego, he said he would come. But last time we talked he said he’s in Florida so he can’t go.


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If you were good friends you wood have known he’s in Florida opening Tito’s Taco restaurant etc

I spoke to Tito,

He said “Me and PauliG were never friends”

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@PaulieG u are from long Island, do u live close to HybridJon , have u trained with him before

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Have You NOT Seen the HYBRIDVIDG ?

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No reason to bring any more attention to this thread, hes garbage Phooey

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Close thread pls mods

Are you one of those kinda fans? Shared a dm and next thing you know youre telling folks youre best friends. Dont do it