Jake Paul vs Tito Ortiz MMA fight

After Jake’s 7th win he decided to ask Nate Diaz for an MMA fight. He said “lets run it back MMA.”

But what does Jake Paul know about MMA? He’s 0-0 with no experience even as an amateur. What right does he have asking Nate for a fight? Well he did beat him in boxing, if that warrants a fight vs the legend Nate Diaz well so be it. I think Jake would get mauled so bad, don’t you?

Imagine Jake Paul beats Nate Diaz in MMA? No, right?

Jake needs to work his way up. He likes beating up old men. Not just average old men but old men who once wore UFC gold, the UFC title.

I spoke with Tito Ortiz and he told me he wants to fight Jake Paul. He is a friend of mine and we talk once and a while if I hit hi up. He said he would destroy Paul.

Would you want to see the battle Jake Paul vs Tito Ortiz?

Tito is that Old Man Now , the double hype would be cringeworthy


I’m friends with Tito Ortiz and he said he would do it but it might of been a year or two ago. Time goes fast.

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I was trying to invite Tito to a free steak dinner here in San Diego but he told me he can’t go because he moved to Florida where the old geezers dwell LOL. He goes fishing a lot.

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Get lost you name dropping jerk off. Nobodys buying what your peddling…


Hey PaulieG , i listened to one of your vids today and you have a NY Accent if im correct . You from NY ?

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Dont engage nor encourage it please…


Paul vs Paul

I’m calling it

At least it’s not quite as gay as the island boys

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Tell me again…

Are you friends with Tito…


So apparently there is a vid of the island boys twins sucking each others dicks on Onlyfans…

Thats fucking wild, ridiculous and possibly illegal…

Florida lol


Like they are Thailand boys


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Right Mr Name Dropper.

I’m derailing Ur thread with gay island boy stuff

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Yes, I do. I’m like a Chris Weidman. Chris was from Baldwin, I’m from Long Beach.

It went Long Beach, Island Park, Oceanside, Baldwin so he was two towns away, Island Park was hardly a town. Growing up I never heard about Chris but I’m about 4 years older, I think?

Why are these guys on here? I need to scroll up. I’m not into them bro.

I am friends with Tito and he said he would fight him. I respect Tito that is why he’s friends with me. I’ve respected him for many years. He likes to go fishing.

You jelly?

I am and actually on my 43rd birthday I was depressed and could not get out of bed, it was Tito who actually saved the day and made me feel better, will not forget that. If you respect these athletes you can win their trust. I’ve been around for over a decade and I do not talk sh*t about people. That is why I’ve earned respect back.

I can Tell

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