James Toney weigh-in (pics)

Roy is an Adonis!

His mullet is the bomb!

people mocking Toney's build obviously don't know that his bodytype is optimal for strength training. This is not a bodbuilding competition, he could overpower Randy like a child.

His core is much more dense which is where all the functional power comes from for fighting. 

So your logic is that Randy looks calm and focused, and that means he is going to get knocked out?

He is sponsored by Sinister and K-Mart???

KahL -  Why is Couture coming in so underweight for HW these days? He started in his bout w/ Brock coming in underweight. I think he had a much better weight in the Silvia and Gonzaga bouts.

Just odd.

After he gets ktfo by Toney he will be dropping to MW.

I loved the crowds reaction when the butt crack was exposed lmao.

Demonyo - Toney is serious as a heart attack, Couture on the other hand seems too casual... Toney by knock out!


 Win one for all the old, fat, marbled-mouth, droopy-drawered boxers, Mr. Toney! And when it's over, don't just give the crowd a little crack, give them the whole dark moon!

His tits are bigger than both of those chicks.

ajjr0ller - 
tbizzle -  What weight did Toney weigh in at? <img border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;" alt="Phone Post" src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" />
237 of solid muscle

and how many pounds of fat?

Toney bending over was funny, this pouch was just hanging from his belly, crowd got a kick out of it

Toney by KO

It's a fight not a bodybuilding contest.

Reed Rothchild -  How much did Randy weigh? Phone Post

 220 with jeans on.