James Toney weigh-in (pics)


So, he's still fat an out-of-shape. That's too bad; I miss the mid-90s Toney.

nogoamigo - So, he's still fat an out-of-shape. That's too bad; I miss the mid-90s Toney.

Keep the t-shirt on fat boy.

Yeah its due to his low testostorone levels because he has been hit so many times it has damaged his thyroide gland.


Toney is doomed.

James Toney aka (Brian Damage)

Ahh the ass crack seen round the world. That was pretty damn hilarious. But yeah, he doesn't look in shape at all. Phone Post

For some reason, that last weighin photo reminds me of the portly kid at the pool who used to swim in his t-shirt.

 both ring girls and rogan are all looking at the ass crack and wanting to bust out laughing.

Randy has really reshaped his physiognamy through his years of GH therapy!

I don't know why you're all surprised. When's the last time James Toney wasn't fat??

brdrchoker -  both ring girls and rogan are all looking at the ass crack and wanting to bust out laughing.

You can only hold laughter in so long.

Finally, a thread with ass AND tits...Subscribed.

MentaL -  Gyno or fat?

Dont know the answetr to your question but the dude in the back is getting an eye full of ASS CRACK

I actualy train with a guy who could make LHW and give Randy a better fight than this noob!

LOL @ anyone who gives a chance of Toney winning.

Randy is old.... older than Toney!

But he knows how to string a sentence together and what time it is!!!!

Jeezus christ he's gonna get his ass kicked

What weight did Toney weigh in at? Phone Post

Finally,a UFC fighter I am built better than,Thank you James Toney!

Fat guys everywhere,REJOICE!!!!!!!!

tbizzle -  What weight did Toney weigh in at? Phone Post
237 of solid muscle


I put $100 on Toney

 Why is Couture coming in so underweight for HW these days? He started in his bout w/ Brock coming in underweight. I think he had a much better weight in the Silvia and Gonzaga bouts.

Just odd.

CoreNobody - Finally,a UFC fighter I am built better than,Thank you James Toney!

Fat guys everywhere,REJOICE!!!!!!!!

roy nelson? lol