Jason Chambers last night

(Not sure if this was addressed earlier) But did anyone else notice Jason
Chambers in Hightower's corner.

Good hair. That's all I'm saying.

Full time lurker, part time poster

Yup, I noticed him in the corner.

I noticed him also

Jason was obviously joking. That was his brother, Todd.


Todd keeps his sideburns much longer and wears tighter shirts.


i dig richie....."you me and space".....lol

todd chamber is a world famous gigalo

He looked dapper last night. Vests are making a comeback.

Jason, you have the BEST JOB IN THE WORLD! And I don't mean cornering Richie.

Lucky!!! said in Napoleon Dynamite voice

i noticed the hotty that was sat next to him:)

TV star, official UFC cornerman, soon to be DQ parking lot champ. He sure is pissing OMA off.

who is OMA?


Kieth Jadine is to blue eyes as Jason Chambers is to dreamy dreamy hair.

FYI, I am not gay..I think. I am just giving compliments.