Jason ‘Mayhem’ Miller arrested for allegedly choking man at West Hollywood club

What does this have to do with a UFC fighter being a multitime felon who just got out of jail committing more violent crimes?

Are you talking to yourself?

starting to think so


He needs to be incarcerated for an extended period to dry out before he kills someone


He needs to do a solid 5 years in prison


Doubt alcohol is the base of his issues. Likely unmedicated bipolar disorder with alcohol and lots of various drugs mixed in as well if I had to guess.


I doubt he’d be totally crimeless if he ever became UFC Champion, but I bet if he was a UFC Champion, he would not have fallen so hard. He was in the sport while the sport was still growing significantly, and not quite mainstream and he was always SO close to being the certified best at his weight class.


It’s gone beyond sad or rooting for him at this point. What a shame.

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What do you call that ballbag on here who had the podcast and would have Mayhem phone in from his jailcell. Hes bound to be licking his lips right now.

Adam Hunter.

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When I said dry out I just meant get sober. Rehab obviously isn’t gonna work. He’s smashing some form of drugs for sure

That’s the twat

When was this?

GSP showed him when he was 24 that he was absolutely nowhere near the best at his weight class.

He had some good wins and was top tier but not even close to being the best.

Some nice MW wins but not close to the best there either.

I disagree. There were tons of idiots on here (remember the Mayhem Monkeys?) that made excuse after excuse for him. He has always been a piece of shit. Always.

When your gimmick is real.

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If he was a dog we would be putting him down a long time ago

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Yup. Hell, he’s pushing 43 years, at this point, he’s way past being “the old guy” at the club.

If a fan saying hi causes you to pop off, you should be caged.


Saw him this past Saturday at the Blue Collar bar on Fairfax in West Hollywood. He has a shaved head now. He was drinking at the bar by himself. He then oddly started shining a penlight on customers in this little speakeasy bar. He then goes and shines it in the doormans face. They start to argue and he tries to start a fight with the doorman and bartender. Unfortunately the hipster door man and bartender had no idea who they were dealing with. He kept threatening them and then walking away for 10 minutes and coming back. The last time he came back he had no shirt on and kept rambling that he wanted his effing weed back. Sadly he clearly has lost his mind, as they had no clue what he was talking about. He is a threat to society at this point. I finally tipped off the twentysomething untrained doorman that he and the bartender had not a chance in this world fighting with him and told them to call the cops if he returned. I’m glad no one got hurt.


Damn if true story!

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