Jay Hieron: "my mental game has changed 360"

Off of Sherdog:  .....""Not only has my technique with Shawn and all the guys we have in the camp gotten better, but my mental game has changed 360," he said.

Correct me if Im wrong but wouldn't that put him back where he started?  Would 180 have been a better choice?


 maybe he means, he was in a better place earlier in his career, then went 180 down, and now 180'd again.

 OK, my first thread this week.... why can't I see thisin my "Subscip" section?

karl malone approves of this thread

 Rodribs is correct.

karl malone does indeed approve

 That's pretty funny! Maybe he meant 360 degrees because he was on an upward spiral... okay... I'm reaching.

fight4real -  That's pretty funny! Maybe he meant 360 degrees because he was on an upward spiral... okay... I'm reaching.

or meteoric rise

 True, meteoric rise works too as a career comparison I guess, but then it doesn't explain the 360... I think we're probably okay funnin' with him about it.


I'm not Mathematician, but you're all wrong.

 Do tell, do tell... Which part of facing north and turning in a circle til you face north again isn't 360 degrees worth of turning? Obviously I'm not a mathematician either. In fact, I'm whatever the opposite is.

you know what he meant, are you one of these people who try to correct other peoples grammer and spelling?

 Awesome, I'm so lost... I wasn't correcting anyone... 360 = full circle, thus the puns at the expense of our friend Jay's comment. So you see, I'm not being obtuse. Usually I would correct people's spelling and grammar, like a douche, to live up to my nickname Professor, but I didn't do that here. There is the distinct possibility that caposa isn't talking to me though... lol

So what the hell Fabes? What are we wrong about?

You just are.

cant fix a glass jaw tho..

they probaly interviewed him after a hard training session, give him a break :)

lol. yes, i will laugh at a funny grammar mistake, fighter or not.

Obviously he was referring to the 400 degree circle, in which 360 (or -40) is just a bit away from where you started. What he is saying is that he is pretty much like before, but not quite.


"But a second proposal suggested changes went further still. On 1 November 1795 (11 brumaire by the new calendar) a law was passed which required the creation of clocks with ten hours in the day, 100 minutes in an hour, and 100 seconds in a minute. A metric system of angles was also brought in, with 400 degrees in a full turn (100 degrees in a right angle)."