JBJ can makeup for 151 by...........

Headlining the Strikeforce Card vs Cormier. Yeah, maybe it sounds crazy but if he wants to get back into good graces with Lorenzo and Dana, this could be a way to do it. Cormier has already said a few times he's more than confident he can beat Jones and said it's a matter of time before they fight. Maybe Jones should step in and shut him up(insert sarcasm). Also, how much longer can Jones fight at LHW anyhow? I'm not a fan at all but you'd think the guy would want a challenge at some point because he hasn't found one in the LHW division. Cormier IMO would be a hell of a challenge. Also if he did lose in Strikeforce he can come back to the UFC and keep fighting the smaller competition. He defends his title a few more times....Hendo, Gusto, Machida and Evans again. Then nobody can say anything about him going up a weight class, saving a show for the company(Zuffa), and losing.

 Hmmm...I don't think Dana or Lorenzo would think that's a very good idea.  LOL...

 by losing in devastering fashion and making victor look like the next coming of jesus.

I would love this just to see the UG explode

MostUGersAreGhey - Headlining the Strikeforce Card vs Cormier. Yeah, maybe it sounds crazy but if he wants to get back into good graces with Lorenzo and Dana, this could be a way to do it. Cormier has already said a few times he's more than confident he can beat Jones and said it's a matter of time before they fight. Maybe Jones should step in and shut him up(insert sarcasm). Also, how much longer can Jones fight at LHW anyhow? I'm not a fan at all but you'd think the guy would want a challenge at some point because he hasn't found one in the LHW division. Cormier IMO would be a hell of a challenge. Also if he did lose in Strikeforce he can come back to the UFC and keep fighting the smaller competition. He defends his title a few more times....Hendo, Gusto, Machida and Evans again. Then nobody can say anything about him going up a weight class, saving a show for the company(Zuffa), and losing.

LOL, I should mention I think he whoops up on Vitor really quickly to prove a point that he's "the best" or he'll make it a boring fight and keep Vitor at arms length just toying with him, just to stick it to the UFC/Dana for his comments.

rufus -  Hmmm...I don't think Dana or Lorenzo would think that's a very good idea.  LOL...

Why wouldn't they like the idea? If they are really pissed at him, they wouldn't mind seeing him taken down a notch. Dana, your opinion on this? LOL, just kidding, he couldn't say if he wanted to.

He can make up for it by faceplanting the mat while Vitor is getting pulled off him.

yellow wrkahlc - He can make up for it by faceplanting the mat while Vitor is getting pulled off him.

That would also kick ass my friend.

Warzone209 -  whole lot of herp derp in this thread..besides lets see if Cormier can get past 211 pounds without being rushed to the hospital not to mention if he can even stand up at 205... 

Because cutting weight for a rassler is easy as brushing your teeth in the morning and if he couldn't do it last time i doubt he can do it now look at him he looks hefty he would have to cut off one of his big legs to make 205.

He won't drop to LHW IMO, and I never said they would fight at 205. HERP DERP! If he saves the show, he'd step in to fight at HW. HERP DERP!

How does a guy with 182 vote downs say something someone else posts is full of "HERP DERP"?

Warzone209 - 
MostUGersAreGhey - How does a guy with 182 vote downs say something someone else posts is full of "HERP DERP"?

  because vote downs mean dick i got 140 of them for not going along with the chael sonnen bash train in a week...Not to mention supercalo had like almost 500 vote downs and the ug blog had 100  people spam the vote downs and never even use the vote ups its the internet what do u expect.

Come on, now. You know why you get voted down.

yellow wrkahlc - He can make up for it by faceplanting the mat while Vitor is getting pulled off him.


Warzone209 -  Haha so you want him to vacate his title and move to lolforce to fight an up n comer? not sure if srs.

Why does he have to give his belt up? Did you read my post? Seriously, did you? Reread it. I mention if he loses he goes back to defend his belt. HERP DERP!

DoomFarmer - 
Warzone209 - 
LilBrockonmychest -  Cormier has mentioned fighting JBJ at 205 though.  Clearly the SF fight will not happen so if it ever does, it will be in the UFC.

  he can mention it all he wants  fact of the matter is if he came over to the ufc his first fight wouldn't be with JBJ even if a miracle happened and he made 205.

Quit acting like you know for a fact that Cormier will have trouble cutting to 205 again.

He has already explained that if he does it will be a very gradual process that will include a complete lifestyle change for him. Completely different from the extreme weight cut he had in the past.

I think he left.

MostUGersAreGhey - 
DoomFarmer - 
Warzone209 - 
LilBrockonmychest -  Cormier has mentioned fighting JBJ at 205 though.  Clearly the SF fight will not happen so if it ever does, it will be in the UFC.

  he can mention it all he wants  fact of the matter is if he came over to the ufc his first fight wouldn't be with JBJ even if a miracle happened and he made 205.

Quit acting like you know for a fact that Cormier will have trouble cutting to 205 again.

He has already explained that if he does it will be a very gradual process that will include a complete lifestyle change for him. Completely different from the extreme weight cut he had in the past.

I think he left.

Yep, he's ran away from every thread he's made an idiot of himself in.

Come on as if this would ever happen after all this shit from 151. I mean come on. Phone Post

LilBrockonmychest - 
MostUGersAreGhey - 
MostUGersAreGhey - 
DoomFarmer - 
Warzone209 - 
LilBrockonmychest -  Cormier has mentioned fighting JBJ at 205 though.  Clearly the SF fight will not happen so if it ever does, it will be in the UFC.

  he can mention it all he wants  fact of the matter is if he came over to the ufc his first fight wouldn't be with JBJ even if a miracle happened and he made 205.

Quit acting like you know for a fact that Cormier will have trouble cutting to 205 again.

He has already explained that if he does it will be a very gradual process that will include a complete lifestyle change for him. Completely different from the extreme weight cut he had in the past.

I think he left.

Yep, he's ran away from every thread he's made an idiot of himself in.

  Forgot to log into your other account 

Nope, I meant to do that.

yellow wrkahlc - He can make up for it by faceplanting the mat while Vitor is getting pulled off him.