Jeff Monson news/fact request?

I'm trying to locate article or newspaper stories on Jeff Monson's recent behavior. Does anyone have links or other directions to such information?



thats pretty fucked up if true... TTT for da truth!!!

white power!

fuck yeah! rock out with your cock out!!!! winger rules!!!

Are there any normal media (ie not MMA fan websites) that would care about such things?

The most ironic thing about all of this is Monson being crucified on this board and others as un-American for doing the most American of things -- expressing a dissenting view.

I don't agree with Monson on all that he has said, but feel strongly that being American means something more than just standing behind the White House.

I met him over the summer and thought he was a nice guy. I'm sure that if the Fox news sheep herd on this board met him and could get over soiling their pants in fear for a few minutes, they could talk to him and have a civilized debate, which used to be recognized a part of what made this country great.

TTT for Jeff, his views, and his very American behavior!

American behavior? yeah, sure. our troops are at this moment voluntarily risking their lives , fighting for these freedoms, and this prick wants to bash America. Love it or leave it!

thats original....

LOL @ "Love it or Leave it"

Not sure if that was meant to be contradictory and
hilarious, but it was. That has to be my favorite
anti-american statement of all time, "love it or leave
it" Simply becausem if you love your country you fight
for it abroad and at home. Speaking your mind and
voicing your opinion when you think the government is
being tyranous or overstepping the boundries that the
country is founded on (or speaking your mind about
anything for that matter) is what this country is
based on and by definition is LOVING IT.

If you don't agree wtih free speach, then its you that
should leave and go to a country where the goverment
is always right and there is not freedom of speach.

Prior to arriving in Portland for his fight with White, Jeff was videotaped wearing a "Assassinate Bush" shirt while training in Olympia.

glad you found that if you disagree with someone than this is appropriate?


ok so I take the above mindless banter above to mean there are no media reports or news stories about this?

its un-american to dissent from monson

"Love it or leave it"

That has got to be one of the dumbest statements of all time, in it's intended context that is.

"ok so I take the above mindless banter above to mean there are no media reports or news stories about this?"

yeah because outside of this forum nobody really gives a shit.

ttt isn't he a nazi too?


i don't disagree that Bush has, IMO, made many costly errors. I WAS a Bush supporter, now things have changed. i support America now. "Dissent is the higest form of patriotism-Thomas Jefferson." I support free speech...until the troop bashing shit. that crosses a personal line. disagree however you want, in any way you want. just very weak to bash people who voluteer at any cost, to defend our freedoms.

TTT thx kenflo...