Jeff Monson vs Jimmy Ambriz October 11th

4 Bears Casino

Newtown, ND

October 11th

Confirmed fights:


Jeff Monson 22-7 vs Jimmy Ambriz 13-9



Nik Lentz  12-3 vs Santino Defranca 13-4



Rick Taylor 5-1 vs Yaotzin Meza 8-4



Zach Wolff  11-5 vs Danny Martinez 10-2


Light HWT

Eric Pribble 5-1 vs Ben Wicks 7-4



Sheldon Martin 3-3 vs Lloyd Woodard 10-1 (amatuer MMA) 1-0 pro



Chris Hugh 4-1 vs Andrew Kapel 14 Muay Thai / 3-0 (amatuer MMA)



Marshall Martin 10-5 vs Caleb Wolff 6-4



 Jimmy last time he fought in ND

Jeff Monson

 hey thats Kurle behind Ambriz lol


 well you cant please everyone.

Good Luck to Santino and the SWMMA team.

ttt Great card!!

So, a main event where neither guy has the ability to scratch their own back?


 I dont know if you've seen monson roll or not but the guy could probably scratch his back while choking you out in a triangle and make a sandwhich at the same time.

Jimmy, when he cuts to 265 is in amazing shape and very athletic. Should be a good fight Jimmy has a few inches on Monson and im guessing a few pounds.

"I dont know if you've seen monson roll or not but the guy could probably scratch his back while choking you out in a triangle and make a sandwhich at the same time."

Monson can't reach his back.

Seriously, the dude is like a bear, always trying to find something to rub up against to relieve an itch.

'Monson can't reach his back. 

 lower back or upper back? I was reffering to the lower back, lol.

Good Luck Santino.


 Defranca (SWMMA) vs lentz  (MMAA) should be a great fight.. Most of the card will be tough matchups.

 Good luck to Santino!!!!  He's the man and he's back!

Also, Monson Rd 1, anyway he wants .

Ugh, the last time I saw Ambriz fight it was against Ricco and the guy couldn't hold his arms up higher then his waist after 2 minutes and let Ricco use his face as a punching bag.

 Ambriz fought ricco three years ago, three years ago chuck lidell was king, Matt hughs was king, tim silvia was king. Alot changes in 3 years.

5-6 since that beatdown with losses to alot of unknowns says otherwise.
