Guard Passing 1 (Fundamentals-2 volumes): Reg. $80. Sale price $64
Single best instructional on anything I've ever seen. Covers posture in the guard to prevent sweeps and submissions. This is super detailed stuff. Then how to break the guard open both on the knees and standing, again super detailed to avoid and overcome counters. Next comes the famous series of hug-around-the-chest and leg-on-shoulder. Also the run-around. Again, super detailed on how to overcome various forms of resistance including sweeps and submissions.
Guard Passing 2 (Counters): Reg. $52. Sale price $42
Haven't seen these.
Mount Escapes (2 volumes): Reg. $52. Sale price $42
Have these on VHS, but again the content should be the same. First volume shows all the basic escapes from the mount (bridge and roll, elbow/knee, foot drag, foot lift), along with how to overcome various resistances, and how to flow inbetween the different escapes to get out. Very well structured, very solid. Second volume does similar for the slant mount (one knee near your head, other foot posted at your hip).
Pin Escapes (7 volumes): Reg. $175. Sale price $140.
Another set I have on VHS but should be the same on DVD. Each volume covers all the core escapes from one type of side pin (side control, scarf, modified scarf, reverse scarf, north/south, knee-on-stomach), how to overcome resistance, and flow from one to the other to get out. The last volume covers how to prevent getting pinned, and how to escape when the opponent is transitioning to keep you pinned. Awesome stuff.
Back Escapes (2 volumes): Reg $60. Sale price $48.
Close second to the guard passing for one of the best instructionals ever. First DVD covers escaping when you are turtled and the opponent is in front of you (real close, semi close, and sprawled out fully), on the side (incl. going for clock choke, doing clock choke, and almost sinking in clock choke fully), and behind you in various positions. Bolo advocates aggressive escapes, and so this stuff really shines.
Second DVD covers escapes when they have the hooks in or have you in a figure-four from behind. Bolo covers the general escape, then the specifics for when the opponent is going for a lapel choke, then for a rear-naked.